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~Matt's POV~

Quietly, I bound through the woods in my wolf form.  I listen to the beat of my heart pounding steadily in my chest. It's autumn so my large paws crush the crisp  leaves that have fallen from their branches and have found a new home on the ground beneath me.

Zeke is running to my left,  but a few paces behind me. I can't see him due to the thick woods, however I can hear him panting slightly. Not out of tiredness, but in attempt to keep cool. Zeke's pelt is particularly thick.

Connor is running to my left, he too is a few paces behind. I can't see him either.

We are running in a spread out V shape, it helps us keep an eye out for danger, especially since we are about to enter Drake's territory.

For about another ten minutes, we silently run in our formation, well, silent to human ears. There is no need for us to communicate right now.

We all feel the transition in to Drake's territory. The atmosphere is smothering, strict and controlled. The scent of Drake's territory markers fill my nostrils.

All of us slow down to a gentle walk, watching where we place our paws as not to make a sound.

Up ahead, I can see the clearing that the pack house stands in. As the clearing grows closer, Zeke and Connor make them selves visible and walk at my side.

Standing in the tree line, we watch the Half Moon pack house. The house that is holding my mate captive. I am so close to her that I can smell her, I can feel her emotions.

The house is large, very very large. It's more of mansion. At least seventy five percent of the walls are made up of windows. Thankfully all the blinds are shut because it is about half six in the morning.

Jess is scared, she feels sick because it has been three days since I saw her, three days since she was kidnapped from me.

It takes every ounce of will power within me to not run straight in there and reveal us. A small whimper escapes my mouth and I shut up instantly. Connor looks at me sympathetically because he too hasn't seen his mate in three days.

I turn to Zeke and nodd my head at him to start our plan.

Operation 'Save Jess'

Phase one: Get in to the territory undetected. -Complete.

Phase two: Cause a distraction.

Phase three: Get Zeke in to the house to get Jess out.

We decided that Connor and I would cause the distraction as Zeke is lighter on his feet, faster and more agile than me or Connor. He is a lot more slimly built than either of us. He can get in the house and get out with Jess a lot quicker.

Zeke runs around the woods in the tree line,  when I can hear that he is at the back entrance, myself and Connor take a deep breath and release long, powerful howls. Threatening ones. It's not even been five seconds, but every single guard is in front of us. Some in their wolf form.

I suddenly feel a lot of weight lift off my chest. Actually, it's lifted off Jess's chest. I can feel her relief. She knows I'm here.

The guards are stood in a line that defends the pack house. With a quick glance at Connor, we both turn and run at full speed to the edge of the territory. They won't leave the territory to chase us away, they'll just make sure we are outside the borders.

I run on and on, the sound of the half moon pack hot on my heels. My tongue hangs out the side of my mouth.

I don't get tired easily, I've always been a good long distance runner and I can always keep a decent pace to. Connor is the same, he runs next to me. Our long legs move swiftly beneath us, carrying us over fallen logs.

This is no easy run for us, Drake has the best warriors out there. But they are simply chasing us as a command from Drake. They don't know us and have no real grudge against us. Drake has told them that they have to chase us out of the territory.

But me and Connor, it's emotions driving us to beat them. She's my mate, I'll do anything to get her back. And Connor knows what it's like to be separated from his mate, but that's another story, and he doesn't want to see me go through it.

I can feel the change in the atmosphere when we cross the border. It's lighter, not as controlled.

I skid to a stop and turn around to see the packs guards hovering around the border. No one knows why, but they won't leave the territory unless on a special mission. I let out a victorious howl that echoes through out the forest. The guards snarl aggressively and I can see a hint of amusement in Connor's eyes.

With a flick of my tail, I turn around and run through the woods to the pond that we said we'd wait for Zeke and Jess at.


Where are they? I ask myself. I pace up and down the bank of the pond. Connor is  crouched down and lapping at the cool water with his tongue. We decided to stay in our wolf forms, just in case.

Connor stands up and yawns. We have travelled far today. Now we are resting in a secluded area that is surrounded by trees and bushes. The ground is covered in leaves and soft grass.

He frowns at me and lets out a reassuring bark. How does he stay this calm? Even when it was Louise in trouble, he was just like this. Calm and collected. He'd make a brilliant alpha.

I sit down on my haunches and wrap my tail around myself. I trust Zeke to bring Jess back to me in one piece.  If he doesn't, I might just kill him

I just wish he'd  hurry up.

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