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~Mia to the side~

"What do you have fourth period?" I say to Mia as I briefly look up from my timetable.

As we head to my locker, people whisper about the stitches on my face. Thankfully Mia told them to piss off. I had already told her about my father and what happened last night. However, I left out the part about staying at Matt's place.

"Um, looks like I have English  with Mr Reeves? Who's that?" She asks confused. We stop walking down the corridor when we reach my locker. She leans against another locker as I open mine and start to look for my history book. "He must be new, Mr Jackson replacement. I have Mr Reeves now anyway now." I answer.

Our old teacher just moved away. He was offered a new job as an English teacher at Oxford. Of course he left this school to go there,  who wouldn't? Mr Jackson was a good teacher but so annoying sometimes. I'm not sure weather I'm happy or sad he left.

The bell rings and a new head ache begins in my currently sensitive head. I shut my locker and trun around then walk straight in to something solid. The figure turns around to face me, an apology on his lips, but it doesn't make it out when he sees that it's me. 

Shocked, I take a step back and I'm pressed against my locker. Stood in front of me is Matt. His hair was in the same messy but hot style. Dressed in a white shirt that shows off his muscles every time he moves. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbow and his top button is undone, but his black tie hides that. His shirt is tucked in to perfectly ironed black trousers.

"Matt?" I whisper. Automatically, my arms cross over my chest. It is something I've always done when I'm  nervous. Briefly, I look at Mia. Her eyes were glued to Matt as she looks at his gorgeous body. "Hi Jess." He says cautiously. Nervously he steps back, but only very slightly. We are both a bit freaked out I think. I have just spent the night in his arms. "You're Mr Reeves then?" I question.

"That's me. Will I be teaching you at any point?" "As he asked his question I nod briefly, but I quickly bring my hand up to my head. It still throbs a little every now and then. 

" Yeah, I have English now."

"Okay. Let's get to class. You need to sit down. " With a brief smile at my bewildered best friend, Matt takes me by the elbow gently. Where his fingers slightly touch my elbow, I feel sparks shoot through me. As he leads me to class, I look over my shoulder at Mia and try to smile apologetically again. Then she follows us with a confused look her face.

When we enter the room, I go to my usual seat and rest my throbbing head in my hands. Then the chair beside me moves and I look up to be greeted by Mia. "Explain." She commands and I take a deep breath.

"Last night, my father hit me over the head with a bottle. As you already know. I kind of left out the part that I ran out the house and ran straight in to Ma...Mr Reeves." I correct myself. "He took me to A&E. I had to go into surgery to have some of the glass removed." I say pointing to the stitches. When I woke up, Mr Reeves was still by my side. Then he wouldn't let me go home that night. He insisted that I stay at his. In his sisters room. "I tell Mia. She wants to now every single detail and eventually gets it out of me that I spent the night in his arms.

Mia knows that I have night mares about my father. When she asks if I woke up in the middle of the night, I had to tell her that was when Mr Reeves came and comforted me. A bright grin spreads across her face. "You mean to tell me that you spent the night in that gorgeous mans..." She shuts up when a deep cough sounds from behind her. Matt looks from me to her.

"So you think I'm gorgeous?" Mr Reeves says from behind her. An embarrassed Mia looks up at him with a scowl.

 "Big headed much?" She asks but he ignores her question.

"How much does she know Jess?" Whispers Mr Reeves. His cocky grin replaced with a nervous frown.

"She's my best friend, Sir. Everything. She knows about my father and about last night. She won't tell anyone. You can trust her." I say, defending Mia.

" Well I hope I can, Miss?" He asks Mia.

"Mia Lawson ." She responds. Mia watches him warily.

"I hope I can trust you Miss Lawson." Matt perches himself on the edge of the empty desk in front of us. He is more concerned about making sure anything about last night is not mentioned than actually teaching us English. There are groups of people clumped round different desks.

"If anything about me watching over Jess last night got out, people may get the wrong Idea. We could find ourselves in a lot of trouble." Matt explains. Slowly, concern creeps into me. What if someone found out about last night. Nothing happened but what if someone thought something had happened. We would find ourselves in more than trouble.

"Sir, I would never get Jess in trouble. And clearly by the look on her face, she doesn't want you to get in trouble either. I wouldn't upset her like that." She frowns at Matt, " If you touched her in anyway last night...." She begins to hiss at him and he actually looks a little bit scared.

"Mia, he didn't go near me without my permission. He was actually the perfect gentleman." I smile a little looking up at Mr Reeves briefly.

"I'd never do that Mia." He defends himself. Without another word, he gets up and walks to the front of the class room. I watch in awe as his muscles ripple under his shirt. When he reaches the front of the room, he turns and runs his hands through his hair, earning a few sighs from the girls

"Okay everyone, sit down please." He calls over the chatter. The boys grumble and return to their seats. The girls are a different story. I hear a few giggles and 'Of course Sir's'

I chuckle, shaking my head and glance at Matt, who briefly meets my eyes. He gives me a subtle sexy smirk before continuing on regaining the attention of the class

Whoa Jess! Where did that come from? I can't find him sexy, he's my teacher! I mentally scold myself. sitting up, I look down at the piece of paper in front of me. I started to doodle a rearing horse.

For most the lesson, I sit there half listening to Matt. He talking to the students, answering their questions as he decided he would take the time to get to know us this lesson.

I find out that Matt is twenty four, he was born on the 8th March, He's originally from Cornwall but moved up to Brighton when he was 18 with his friends. He's single, but not looking for a relationship. That caused as series of moans from the girls.

 I don't look at him once throughout the whole lesson, but I can feel his eyes on me.

Eventually I zone out completely and focus on the horse I'm drawing.

"That's good." A mesmerizing voice pierces the little bubble I was trapped in and I look up quickly.

Matt is stood in front of me with a lop sided grin on his face.

I notice that most the class has left the room. I didn't hear the bell.

"Can you stay behind a minute please." Asks Mr Reeves.

"Yeah okay." I say. I can't be bothered to protest.

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