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~Matt's POV~

My eyes open at the sound of the wardrobe door shutting. Jess is wearing just one of my white shirts, humming to herself as she lays out a black long sleeve crop top and black jeans on her side of the bed.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing? " I ask dumbfounded as I push up in to a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She can't seriously think she's going to school today.

"Good morning to you to. And I'm getting ready for school. " She says in a duh tone.

I get out of bed and Jess's eyes rake my body. It was warm last night so I slept in just my boxers.

"Shut your mouth, Princess. " I say laughing. I use one finger and put it under her chin and I kiss her forehead gently. A deep red blush spreads across her cheeks.

"You can't go to school today. We only got you back home yesterday. " I argue.

"Matt, the best way to get on is to carry on as normal. There's no point me sitting around here all day, shitting myself at every noise." She states and I know she is right.

"I'll stay off with you then." I say, thinking I had won the argument.

"No, we have both had three days off. You have a job to do and I have more class work to catch up on than I can shake a shitty stick at." I open my mouth to argue, but she's right. I stand there with a slight frown on my face. Jess leans up and plants a kiss on my lips before turning back to the wardrobe.

She brings out a white shirt, beige pants and a very dark blue blazer. "Right, get dressed now. Before I drag you back to bed. " She says confidently.

"It's still early "I say smirking.  I dump the clothes on the chair in the corner of the room. I come up to Jess and kiss her deeply, gently pushing her back on to the bed. Her soft hands explore my body while mine so the same to her as I hover over her. I look at her quickly, confirming her consent, before slowly removing my shirt from her small frame.


Jess lays curled up in my side, her soft hand runs up and down my chest, over my sculpted abs. A small moan of pleasure grumbles in the back if my throat. Jess chuckles before rolling over and climbing out of bed. I reach out for her, but she's already on her way to the shower.

I laugh and begin to pull myself out of bed.


I'm sat at the kitchen table, eating some cereal, wearing the white shirt with my sleeves rolled up, my beige pants and brown shoes. My dark blue blazer is hanging over the back of the chair. I've made Jess a bowl of cheerios too. I can hear her upstairs, singing quietly as she gets ready.

Eventually, she comes running down the stairs. I look at her at smile. "Hey, Beautiful, made you some breakfast." I say gesturing to the bowl in front of her seat. Jess smiles gratefully and runs her gentle hand over the side of my face as she walks past and flops on to her chair and digs in to her breakfast.

Suddenly, Jess looks at me. "What if Will is at school." She says scared. I can feel the fear she is feeling. I reach across the table and take hold of her hand, running my thumb over the back of her hand.

"If he's at school then you can stay in my room. I'll say you have detention. That would work since I'm teaching you first. " I say looking in to her beautiful eyes.

"Okay." She says with a warm, thankful smile.

I stand up and take both our plates to the dishwasher. Both me and Jess turn to the front door as we hear footsteps nearing the front door. Jess relaxes when she feels me release the tension in my body. It's only Mia, I can smell her.

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