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~Jess's POV~

He's here! Matt is here! I heard the howl and somehow I just knew it was him. Now I can smell him. It's been three days since I was taken from him. I feel sick to my stomach and have just about bitten every pack members head off when they came up to me. Will just won't leave me alone. 

When Matt howled, Will woke up instantly and ran outside to see what was going on. What do I do? Do I make a run for it? I sit there for a second, stunned. Not sure what to do.

Then the bedroom door bursts open and a brown wolf jumps in. He has a thick pelt and there is a familiar mischievous twinkle in his eye. It's Zeke! I recognize him instantly. He comes running over to me and crouches down, signaling with his head for me to jump on his back. I climb on carefully as not to hurt him, but before I am seated properly, he's off. I have no choice but to grab hold of his fur and hold on for dear life.

He leaps down the corridors that are now empty because everyone ran to see who has trespassed in to the territory or they're all still sleeping. 

Werewolves sleep like the dead. Once they're asleep, it's like they're deaf.

Then we burst through the glass of the second story window, This is it, i'm going to die. Is all I can think, but Zeke lands gracefully on his paws and is off at full werewolf speed before I can even begin to feel relieved that I didn't go flying.

I can't see anything around me but a green blur. The movement below me is so smooth that it feels as though I am flying. We run on and on. None of Drake's guards are followig us. 

While being at the pack house, I haven't even been able to go to the toilet without a guard or warrior standing outside.

Then I feel a complete change in the atmosphere. It becomes light and free again. We have definitely left the territory, however Zeke doesn't slow down. In fact, I think he speeds up. I know that I am going to see Matt soon. I can't wait!


Zeke slows to a slow run then a brisk trot. Now I can see that we are in a very dense part of the forest. Up ahead, I can hear water. Is Matt over there? We near some bushes then Zeke lets out a soft bark before using head to push them back. We are in a large clearing surrounded by thick bushes and trees. At the far side, there is a pond. 

There he is , in his wolf form, infront of the pond. Matt! He's there. I climb off Zeke's back and run over there. Matt runs to meet me. I throw my arms around his neck  and he presses his large head in to my back.

"Matt, I've missed you so much!" I exclaim. He replies to me with a gentle whimper. When I release my arms from his neck, Matt licks my face from the bottom to the top. "Eww, Matt!" I laugh, rubbing my face. He nuzzles my neck and I kiss his furry forehead. Zeke comes up behind me and I hug him.

"Thank you!" I shout. I swear I hear him chuckle. Zeke nuzzles me and I stroke his forehead. Connor watches us with a content look in his eyes. 

"And you, Connor, thank you all for getting me out that place." Connor approaches me and I stroke his head.

I hear a gentle whine from behind me and turn to face Matt, who has crouched down just has Zeke had done when he wanted me to get on his back.

Gently, I climb on and we set off on our journey back home.


It's late, probably about half past eight. The sky is getting darker and darker. We exit the tree line and come face to face with a beautiful family home surrounded by trees so it is very secluded.

Toys are scattered around the front garden and on the porch. A white picket fence surrounds the perimeter of the premises. I glance at Connor whos tail is wagging wildley. This must be his home. The front door opens and Louise comes running out with a big bag which must be clothes for the guys. 

Connor runs to meet her and she clings on to him as if her life depends on it. He uses his head to keep her close to him. His tail is wagging so fast it's no more than a blur. Connor licks her face gently and she laughs. 

Watching this beautiful moment, I climb off of Matt's back and hug him gently. 

Louise comes over to us with Connor hot on her heels. She hands all the guys some clothes and they dispear in to the woods to change. 

Zeke is the first to appear, I hug him again to say thank you and he disappears inside the house. Probably to find something to eat.

Connor comes out next and rushes to Louise to give her a proper hug.

Then Matt comes in to view. He's wearing a black button up shirt with black jeans and converse. I run to him and jump in to his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds on to me and kisses me deeply. "Jess!" He exclaims now that he can actually speak to me. I release my legs from his waist but keep myself pressed in to his chest.

I watch Connor and Louise walk hand in hand Inside to where Zeke us most likely emptying their fridge.

"Come on, Princess, let's get home." Says Matt as he picks me up and rushes off using his wolf speed.


I sit on the sofa in Matt's strong, protective arms. His hand strokes the back of my head. "I missed you more than you can imagine." He whispers. I lean forwards and look up at him. 

"You'd be surprised. I felt as sick as a dog while I was away from you." I chuckle at the unintended pun and so does Matt.

"Jess, did Will mention anything about him being your mate?" He asks

"Yeah. He said that he was just one of those mishaps. I don't really understand it but, he said that I am his mate, but I am not his."

Matt nods his head. "It's rare but it happens. Sometimes there are mishaps and two werewolves have the same mate. But of course, the human is only made for one of them."

I curl up in to his side again. "And that's you." I whisper.

"And you have no idea how glad I am about that." Confirms Matt.

"He didn't try anything did he?" Says Matt concerned.

"Apart from one or two unpleasant kisses and hugs, no. He didn't go any further than that." I reassure him gently. Matt responds by wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't protect you from him better, but I promise that I will not let them near you again." Says Matt. And to be honest, i'm not sure if he's reassuring me or himself.

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