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~Thank You for reading my story. It means a lot. -Picture of Jess to the side- ~

I trudge in through the front door. Most students are glad when they come home. Not me. Quietly, I run upstairs to my bedroom.

Throwing my school bag on the floor, I catch myself in the mirror.

Looking back at me is a seventeen year old short, skinny girl with flowing brown, wavy hair. I have deep, chocolate brown eyes and freckles on my cheeks. Apparently I'm pretty . But I don't see it at all.

I am wearing skinny jeans and leather jacket with a t shirt. Around my neck is a silver chain with a galloping horse charm. My grandma gave it to me three days before she died. I haven't taken it off since I was nine.

With a huff, I flop onto my double bed and pick up my book . You could say I'm a nerd. I love to read and write plus I love science and English. Oh well. reading is for those who wish to be somewhere else. I'd rather be anywhere but here.

Some time later, I put my book down and glance at the clock on my bedside table. It reads 5:10. "Shit." I mumble to myself as I get up to go and make dinner.

My parents wont cook. My dad hates me and my mum is an alcoholic. It seems to be a bit of an unwritten rule that I do everything round the house. Cook, clean. Everything. If I don't, my father will beat me.

I run down the stairs. Before I get to the bottom of the stairs. My father walks in, drunk as ever. "Have you started dinner yet?" His voice booms but his word are slurred.

"I was just about to start now." I mumble.

"YOU HAVEN'T STARTED IT YET?" He roars. As I flinch back, He raises the beer bottle in his hand and brings it down so hard against the side of my head that it smashes. Shards of glass are stuck in my cheek and neck, all up the left side of my face. The blood rushes down my neck.

"You bastard!" I scream at him as I run out the house. I look back as I run down the pavement to see him shouting at me but I don't stop. Blood clouds my vision slightly and it's now running into my mouth.

Suddenly, I run into something solid and bounce back but two strong hands grab onto my waist and stop me falling.

"Are you OK?" The person asks. I glance up and gasp. Holding me is the most handsome man I have ever seen. He has dark hair styled in the 'I just got out of bed look'. He has a strong jaw and perfect lips. Next I look at his eyes. They are Ice blue. Beautiful, captivating, but warm and full of concern.

Slowly I stand back. "Yes. I'm fine. Sorry for running into you." I mumble. as I got to turn away, he pulls me back and touches my blood covered cheek.

"You call this OK? There is no end of glass in your face. What happened?" He asks concerned.

"Nothing." I barely whisper.

"Who did this?" He sounds more commanding now and I start to cry.

"My father...." I respond. The man pulls me into a hug, careful to not touch my face.His strong hand strokes the back of my head and I take in his smell. It's so good. Comforting.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." And I nod. I don't seem to have the energy to argue anymore. We walk round the corner to his car. A black Camaro. Is this guy rich or something? He tells me to get in the passenger seat. and I comply as he gets in the drivers seat.

I notice how his muscles ripple under his t-shirt. His voice is enchanting and his face is beautiful.

Above all he looked out for me. No one has done that in nine years. Except my best friend Mia. It means so much.

"I'm Matthew, but call me Matt." His mesmerizing voice breaks me out of my trance. "What's yours?"

"I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jess." I respond, trying to move my mouth face as little as I can. "Thank you. For this." I add.

"I'm not going to leave you like this, Jess. Why did your father do this to you?" He glances at me and our eyes meet. His icy blue eyes meet my boring brown ones.

"It doesn't matter." My gaze falls to my hands in my lap and I'm grateful when Matt doesn't press the subject.

With time we arrive at the hospital and I'm glad. My head hurts really bad. I feel like I'm constantly being beaten over the head with a brick. I go to climb out the car but I start to wobble.

"Whoa there, Jess." Matt comes round at balances me. Tentatively, I take a step forward but lose my balance again. Matt lifts my small frame. "I'll carry you." But I protest.

"No, I already have blood on your shirt. I don't need to get any more on it." I try and wriggle free but He keeps hold of me.

"It's a shirt, Jess. Let me carry you." Slowly I relax against his firm chest. Matt's strong arms support me. I have known this man for thirty minutes and I feel safer than I have in my whole life.


Slowly, my eyes flutter open. Immediately, I realise I'm in the hospital and I try and sit up frantically. I hate being in the hospital. My parents never stay with me and usually I bring myself here. The hospital is where I feel most alone. People I don't know are running around everywhere.

As I try and sit up, I remember why I'm here. My head starts to throb aggressively and I lay back down again. Carefully, I turn my head to the side that doesn't have a bandage over it. My gaze lands on a tall, dark haired man sleeping in the chair on the other side of the room. Matt? Matt actually stayed with me? Suddenly I don't feel so alone. I feel safe. Why does this man have this affect over me?

On his steadily rising chest is a book. Gone with the wind. My absolute favorite. Maybe he's a nerd like me. A small smile appears on my lips but quickly disappears at the pain.

Out the corner of my eye, I spot a nurse walk in. "Oh you're awake!" She grins and Matt wakes with a start.

"Jess, you're awake!" He sighs with relief, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"You didn't have to stay with me Matt. That's not your job."

"Of course I did. I doubt your father would come and sit with you." He spits and the nurse looks at him worriedly. Did he really already care?

The nurse speaks up. "Jess, you have stitches in two cuts but the rest will heal. You may have scaring but we have run tests and there is no concussion. But you may have a bit of a headache for a while. I don't see why you can't go home today." She says cheerfully.

"I'll drive you." Says Matt in a final tone. I don't argue with him.

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