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~ Matt's POV ~

~ This is an action free chapter, focusing on the relationship between Matt and Jess.~

Lay on the sofa, I hover over Jess, supporting my weight on my arms. One of her soft, gentle hands runs over my chest while the other holds the back of my neck and toys with my hair.

"I love you, Matt." Whispers Jess, her eyes have a beautiful twinkle to them.

"I love you more. " I move my head down and kiss her lips tenderly. "My beautiful, beautiful mate." I mumble. I trail my lips down the side of her face, along her jaw and her neck, knowing that i'll leave a hickey.

Jess let's out a quiet moan as I assault her perfect skin. She starts to undo the buttons on my shirt and when she has all of them, I sit up and shrug off my shirt, throwing it on the floor.

One of my hands goes underneath her shirt and rests on the soft skin of her hip, my other hand pushes both her legs around my waist.

"Let's take this upstairs. " I suggest with a suggestive smirk and she nods excitedly. I pick her up and launch myself up the stairs.

Placing her on the bed gently, I pull off her shirt and kiss her chest softly, which I rewarded for with a moan of pleasure.


My hand trails along her spine, holding our naked bodies together. Jess's warm, soft lips kiss my chest while her hand runs over my jaw. She's forever telling me how gorgeous I am, but I'm nothing compared to her. Everything about her is perfect and I love her so much.

"Do you want a bath?" I question, looking down at her.

"As long as you join me." She smirks, kissing my lips in a teasing manner. Jess moves to a straddling position.

"Nah, I thought I'd just stay here." I tease, running my large hands up her naked sides, causing her to shiver.

"Liar.." She barely whisper, closing her eyes as I move my hands over her beautiful body.

"You're right. " I smirk. Placing Jess next to me, I climb out of bed and go to the bathroom, not bothering to put any clothes on.

When I've run the bath, it turn off the water and Jess appears at the door way. I climb in to the hot water and bubbles.

"Come here." I hold my hand out to Jess and she takes it, slipping in to the bubbly water, her back pressed against my chest.

I shower her head and kneck in kisses and she mumbles 'I love you ' every now and then. She holds my hand on her stomach with her own.


During our bath, we took the time to learn everything about one another.

Her favourite film is 'Dirty Dancing', mine is 'Taken.'

Her favourite singer is Ed Sheeran, while I am guilty of a little Elvis Presley sometimes.

Her favourite colour is blue and I like green.

Jess's favourite lessons are English and Art, but mine are English and Science.

But, one thing I learnt was that I have never felt this way about someone ever.

Now we are sat on the sofa and Jess is watching Dirty Dancing for the sixth hundredth time.

My white, button up shirt hangs on her body and I'm wearing my grey trackies.

Jess watches the TV intently, but I run my fingers through her silky hair, kissing the side of her head.

"What time is it? " Mumbles Jess. I lift my arm that is around her shoulders and look at the silver watch on my wrist.

"8:30pm." I answer, letting my arm rest back around her as she nods once.

"Okay." She says, pushing herself deeper into my solid chest.

I continue with the kisses and then begin to run my finger tips along her arm then along her bare legs that are curled up on the sofa. Then I place my on her butt, slowly moving the shirt up so that it is resting on her hip and my hand is now on the bare skin of her bum. My thumb brushing over her panties.

Small moans keep sounding in the back of her throat.

"Matt...." She says breathlessly.

"Yes, beautiful? " I mutter

"How am I supposed to concentrate on this film with your hands all over me?" She asks.

"Like you don't enjoy it." I laugh.

"You know I enjoy it. " Confirm Jess.

"If you want to watch the film I'll leave you alone." My voice trails off and I reluctantly remove my hands from her soft skin.

"No no no!" Exclaims Jess, scrambling for the TV remote and switching it off. Her small, smooth hands take hold of my own and she places one of my hands on her bottom and the he other on her thigh.

"I'm all yours." She says in a seductive tone, leaning forward and placing a kiss at the indent behind my jaw and just below my ear lobe. The place she recently found out was my weak spot. He is rewarded with a loud groan of pleasure.

"All mine? I like the sound of that." I chuckle breathlessly

"All yours. " She confirms, repeatedly kissing my weak spot, occasionally flicking her tongue against it.

I take hold of both her wrists and flip her on the her back and straddle her. It's the second time we have been in this position in four hours.

I hold her hands above her head and trail my hand up her side. My lips press against the dip between her collar bones.

"How do you feel about taking this upstairs again?" Pants Jess, wrapping her long legs around my waist.

"Hmm." I say tapping my slightly stubbled chin. "I think we should finish this film." I tease, pulling back and sitting up. Jess glances at the bulge between my legs.

"I don't know who you are torturing more, me or yourself. " Grumbles Jess. She crawls across the sofa and perches herself in my lap, causing me to make a strange noise as I hold back a small moan.

"Fine! I give in." I say, taking hold of her beautiful body and taking her up to our bedroom.

I hover over her on or bed. "I win." She whispers.

"You always do." I chuckle, kissing her lips.

"Now, where were we?" Says Jess as she begins to remove my trackies.

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