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~ Jess's POV ~

The delightful smell of bacon and the quiet voice of Elvis Presley drift through the house, lifting me from my sleep. I roll over on to my side and look at the clock my bed side table, it reads 6:30am.

Bacon on a school morning. What a lucky girl I am.

Dragging my hands over my face, I crawl out of bed and put on a bra and pants, then shrugging on Matt's white shirt.

I can't actually remember the last time I wore my own pajamas. It's always Matt's soft white shirts or his pajama tops.

Running my fingers through my hair, I walk down the stairs where I am greeted by my sexy mate cooking me breakfast.

Matt is stood there listening to Elvis Presley just in his black boxers. "Good morning, Baby. " Says Matt without turning around.

God, I love waking up to this every morning.

I walk across the kitchen and wrap my arms around him, pressing my hands to his chest, placing tender kisses on his beautifully muscular back.

"I hope you're hungry. " He says with a chuckle that is music to my ears.

"Of course. I was kept very busy last night." I whisper in his ear.

"It's my job, Princess." He says to me.

I reluctantly remove my hands from his godly body and Sit down at table.

Soon, Matt turns around with two bacon sandwiches and places a plate in front me.

"Thank you. " I say and tuck in. While I'm eating, I glance up at my gorgeous man. He's in a world famous his own and even eating he looks like a supermodel.

Matt has such captivating eyes. The way the sunrise reflects in them is mesmerising.

"Anyone in there? " I laugh, cocking my head slightly.

"W-what?" Stutters Matt, snapping back to reality. He then laughs gently to himself. " Sorry, Princess, I was in a world of my own."

We both finish eating and I stand up, taking our plates to the dishwasher and turning it on.

"I'm going for a shower." I say, dusting my hands together.

"Not without me you're not. " Smirks Matt as he stands up, taking hold of my wrists and pulling me in to his chest. His hands snake down to my rear end and Matt's lips press themselves to my neck. My hands wrap around his waist tightly.

"It will save water. " I say, my voice slightly croaky as I try and focus.

"Let's go then." Purrs Matt in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Matt gathers me in his strong arms and launches himself up the stairs.


"Matt, come here." I laugh. He's buttoned up his shirt wrong. "You're a grown man and can't even button up your own shirt."

"Maybe I did it on purpose. Just to feel your hands on me. " His voice is full of lust.

"Down, boy." I smirk, undoing his shirt and buttoning it up right, making sure to touch his abs frequently.

"Thank you. " He says, rolling up the sleeves on his crisp white shirt.

I'm dressed and have done my makeup, all I need to do is finish straightening my hair. I pull the straighteners over and over may thick hair. I watch Matt go downstairs in the mirror and smile to myself. There's no doubt that I have the best mate in the whole world.


I sit in first period English, waiting for the incredibly sexy Mr Reeves. He hasn't showed up yet, where is he?

Maybe he's just late as usual. Mia is sat next to me and Tyler is sat at the desk in front of us, but he has turned arounder so he can talk to us.

Mia and Tyler have been dating for some time now and I have to say, are perfect for eachother.

"Where is he?" Says Tyler referring to Matt as he picks up Mia's hand and rubs it with his thumb. Just on que, I get a text. I pick up my phone. It's from Matt. Has something happened?

I'm okay, but get home as soon as you can xxx ~Matt.

Fear fills my stomach. "Maybe he's sick today. " I answer Tyler then hand my phone to Mia subtly. She glances at the text and grabs my hand reassuringly.

I try and pick up on Matt's emotions and I find he is stricken with grief.

"I'm just going to the toilet guys. I'll be back soon. " I put a false smile on my lips and excuse myself.

Going home, cover for me Xxxx ~ Jess.

I text Mia. She's a class A liar and will find some excuse for me.


I walk up the drive and open the door. Zeke's here, but something smells off. Matt is slumped over a mug of coffee at the kitchen table. When he looks at me, I realise that his eyes are blood shot and tears cover his cheeks.

The sight breaks my heart. It's as though I can feel it literally shattering in to a million pieces. I've never seen him cry before.

"Baby! What happened? " I say rushing over to him, I kneel on the floor in front of him, cupping his face in my palms.

"I'm going to kill Will. I will kill him!!" Roars Matt and I flinch briefly. Matt jumps up and flips the table on to its side making me jump.

"What happened?" I ask as gently as I can, the fear of what I might hear and what I am seeing is making tears spring to my eyes.

"He killed Zeke to get at me! Zeke knocked at the door and just as I opened it, Will sped up behind him and snapped his fucking neck in front of me." Matt is no longer shouting, but full blown sobbing. I pull him against me, stroking the back of his head.

"My.. best... f-riend is dead." Sobs Matt as he buries his face in to my neck.

My own tears are streaming down my face at an uncontrollable rate.

"This doesn't look particularly happy." Comes a menacing voice from the door. We both turn to see Will stood there with a smug grin on his face.

"YOU BASTARD!!" I scream at Will and Matt starts to run at Will.

"Now now cal...." Will is interrupted mid sentence as Connors wolf leaps through the door, his front paws landing on Wills shoulders and his powerful jaws clamping around his neck. Connor jumps backwards and I gasp when Wills head goes with him. He's dead, Will is dead. He's gone.

Without looking at us, Connor tossess Will's head to the side and bounds past us to the living room. Both Matt and I follow him and for the first time I see Zeke's lifeless body on the sofa. His neck at a strange angle. Zeke's skin has gone to a very pale white, no longer tanned.

Connor walks over to him slowly and licks his face, whimpering. When the realisation that he's not coming back sets in, Connor leans back on his haunches and let's out a strong, mourning howl. He doesn't care that someone may hear him. Tears are dampening the black fur around his eyes.

I wrap my arms around Connor's neck and hide my face in the warm fur.

For some time, all three of us sit on the floor in a huddle, all of us touching Zeke in someway.

Suddenly, Matt jumps up and we all turn to look at the front door. There stands Drake, Wills body over one shoulder, Will's head in his other hand.

Connor growls, but Drake just nods his head out of respect, making brief eye contact with us all. With one last glance at me, Drake turns and at wolf speed makes a bee line to the woods.

It's over. It's all over. Maybe we can live in piece from now on.

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