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~Jess's Pov~

Mia and I sit in the living room, chatting and messing around as best friend do. 

"You are a completely different person." Says Mia to me in a kind tone. I look at her confused. Have I become a different person? I don't think I have. I run my hand over the mark that Mat made on my neck this morning, smiling.

"Not in a bad way though." She adds quickly and I sigh, relieved. "You are so much more happier. You joke around a lot more and are obviously more relaxed. You look ten times healthier and your eyes no longer look dull." She says and I start to laugh.

"Gee, thanks, Mia." I say and I punch her shoulder lightly. 

"If this is a result of you having Matt then he can stick around as long as he likes." Mia says with a smile. She leans forward and grabs her coke of of the coffee table. 

"Considering that when wee are apart for to long, we get grumpy and sometimes we feel sick, I think he will be around for a long time." I say, I'm not moaning at all. Matt means the world to me and I mean the world to him. 

"That is so cute!" Mia squeals.

"Oi shut up, he can hear you!" I say laughing. "He can hear almost anything. Matt is a werewolf remember." 

"Oh yeah, sorry." She laughs along with me.

"But there is something about him that makes me feel so safe and protective, loved and cherished." I say with a smile.

"That is super freaking adorable." Sighs Mia. "Have you....." Whatever Mia just said, I don't hear. I lift my head up and look to the windows. 

"Be quiet, Mia." I say. I can smell Drake. My senses have already heightened obviously.

Just then, I hear Matt running down the stairs and I see him run in to the living room.

"What's wrong?" Questions Mia who is very concerned now. 

"It's Drake, Mia, did you walk or drive here?" Whispers Matt.

"I walked." She says.

"Okay. You are going to go out of the back door and walk home. Behave as normal as you possibly can, but hurry up, okay?" Whispers Matt as he walks Mia to the back door and lets her out quietly.

"I've texted Connor and Zeke, they will be here in two minutes," Says Matt as he makes his way back in to the living room., reaching for me. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest.

"I love you so much. I will do anything to protect you." He whispers quietly.

Before I can reply, two harsh knocks sound on the door. Matt pushes me behind him and he moves to open the door.

"What do you want, Drake?" I hear Matt growl. "I told you to leave me and Jess be." He spits.

"That's Alpha Hartman to you." Says Drake stepping in to the house. He is wearing a dark grey suit and a white shirt with no tie and the top button undone. I have never seen my father dress like that. It was always ripped jeans and dirty t-shirts.

"You're not my Alpha." Growls Matt.

"I wouldn't talk to me like that, boy." He sneers. "I am here to take my daughter back." 

"I will protect her better than you ever can!" Roars Matt.

All of a sudden, a large black wolf leaps in to the kitchen. He is large but not abnormally large. His eyes are blue. Bright blue, but not as bright as Matts. Around his neck is a gold chain. Attached to the chain is a gold wedding ring.

"Connor!" I shout relieved. He stands there growling, watching Drake's every move. He moves forward toward Drake.

Then behind him, another wolf appears in the door way. This wolf is not as large or muscular as Connor but has a slim, agile form. His pelt is a dark brown. Zeke.

"Quite the little army you have here, Kid." Laughs Drake as Zeke and Connor continue to glare at him, ferocious growls rumbling in their throats.

Without any warning, Drake runs for me, making me scream. Matt is to fast for him though. He leaps over to Drake and while in the air, he turns in to a large black wolf. Matt is bigger than Zeke but smaller than Connor. Although the two look very similar in wolf form, Matt's pelt is somehow darker, his eyes are ten times bluer. He is... beautiful.

Matt's paws latch on to Drake's shoulders and drag him to the ground. Drake lands flat on his back and Matt stands above him snarling, Zeke and Connor at his flanks.

 Then two cold hands wrap around my mouth and eyes before dragging me away. I didn't have time to scream it happened that fast. I know that it was my fathers men that have taken me hostage. But, another thing I know is that Matt got Mia to safety, and I know that he will save me. Those two thoughts are what stop a wave of tears consuming me.

~Authors Note: I'm sorry that this chapter was so short. I hope that you are enjoying this, but I am a new writer. Usually I do the reading. Thank you for bearing with me. ~

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