Chapter 19

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Abby- I heard everyone in the kitchen but I wasn't hungry so I stayed outside and chase came out and sat beside of me.
"Hey baby, I thought you were asleep?

Well you thought wrong now didn't ya?

I guess I did.

I wanna go back home.

We do have to get back to school I mean it has been forever.

It feels like it but its only been two weeks.

That's a long time.

Well we could pack up and go back today.

We'll have to talk with your family.

Yeah I know."
Soon enough we were all outside so I figured why not ask now.


It's been two weeks since we've been to school and I know I hate it but If I want a good education I think I should go back, both of us.

Well I guess so but be safe and call us every morning before school and after school ok?

Alright dad I will I promise."
Me and chase went upstairs and packed our bags to leave.

3 hours later
Finally we were home (Abby's house) and unpacking then made sure we had everything we would need for school tomorrow. I went upstairs to take a shower before dinner. I can't wait till dinner because chase is cooking, what I have no idea but I hope he can cook and don't burn the house down.
Chase- I fixed spaghetti and meatballs for dinner with a side salad.
"This is really good.

Thanks babe but I'm sure you'd make something better.

That would depend on how I feel like if I'm tired and don't want to do anything then it's just be hotdogs.

I'd be fine with that."
After dinner we got ready for bed. Since in my room I only have a twin sized bed we went in my mom and dads room to sleep since there bed is bigger and the have a 60 inch plasma tv. I laid down in bed and cuddled up to chase and put my head on his chest. We watched Jeff Dunham before going to bed and it was funny. My favorite puppets are Peanut, and Walter. They crack me up. Soon I drifted off to sleep and was awoken by a loud "BOOM". I jumped up and it was 5:00 AM in the morning. It was a thunder storm. I'm afraid of them so I cuddled back up to chase and covered my ears. Chase realized that I was shaking so he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. He told me everything was ok that I should just go back to sleep. Well let me tell you something that didn't happen, AT ALL. I was awake the whole dang time. By morning and time for school I was so tired that on the way there I fell asleep. Chase woke me up and I didn't want him to. I told him 5 more minutes and he told me no. Then he got out and came to my side and opened my door to where I almost fell out but luckily I had my seatbelt on. He unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed my hands and yanked me out of the truck.
"ok, ok I'm up and out sheesh."
We walked into school and went to the front office to tell them everything about while we were gone and they made us sign papers and that took at least an hour and a half. When we went to ours classes all my teachers were mean and saying things like "I wish I had as long of a vacation as you did." I got myself in trouble by saying, "well I'm sorry that my grandmother is in the hospital and probably dying." The teacher I told that to was Mrs. Rice. Nobody likes her at all because every day she gives you loads and loads of paper work.

Chase-I was in the class next to Abby's and I could here her and the teacher going at it. Abby got her self in lots if trouble for back talking the teacher and saying a few cuss words to her. Mrs. Rice sent her to the office. I got up and asked my teacher, Mr. Young, if I could be excused and he said yes. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom but when I got into the hallway I ran to catch up with Abby.
"Hey, Abby, wait up, I heard you and your teacher fighting.

Yeah I'm not too happy.

I can tell look, I know this might be a bad idea but what if we fake that we are sick because there's a substitute nurse and they always let you go home even without throwing up or having a fever.

I already have an office referral.

Rip it up and throw it away.

Chase I can't.

Do you wanna go home or not?


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