Chapter 12

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Abby-There I was standing in front of my father, scared as h***. I run because I'm afraid. I'm afraid he'll do something that he won't be able to get back.
"Abby Bryan, why did you skip school?

I went to school today but in 5th period my name was called over the intercom that said I was leaving early and when I got to the front lobby I saw tyler and Brian.

Why did you run from me?

I was scared.

Of what?

That you'd hurt me.

I can't believe you would think I would hurt you, that would look bad on me.

So your just worried about your career right.... yeah that's what I thought."
I walked away crying and my dad went in the cabin. I was wondering in the woods a good bit but not too far so that I couldn't see the cabin.
Chase- I heard Abby walk outside then she was talking to someone and then Luke walked in, and over to tyler and Brian. I wanted to make sure Abby was ok so I walked outside and saw her in the woods.
"Hey are you ok?

Yeah I'm fine I mean he was keeping his cool, kinda, but I'm heartbroken more then anything.

What happened?

I told my dad I run away because in afraid he's gonna hurt me and he says I would never do that, do you know how bad that would look on me, I just can't believe him.

That's harsh.

Yeah tell me about it.

Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?


Well I am now, Abby you are really beautiful and I love you.

I lov......"
I cut her off with a kiss. A really long kiss. It lasted maybe about ten minutes.
Luke- I had enough of this bull crap so I went outside to get in my truck to go home but what really caught my eye was Abby and Chase making out. Can my day get any better. First I find out my daughter skips school, then I have to track down her and her three guys, and third she making out with Chase and its probably going to lead to sex.
Abby- I was in a daze when chase pulled away out of the kiss. It was the best kiss I ever had, it was so passionate but yet it had lots of energy.
"I love you Chase.

I love you too Abby, hey what do you say we go somewhere private?

Like where?

I don't know maybe the lake, or my place.

I think I'll go with your place so we can watch some movies.

What movies do you like?

I like comedy and action.

What do you want for dinner?

I could go for a burger or some pizza.

Alright well Pizza Hut is just right around the corner.

Another thing how are we getting to your house?

Right, I guess we'll just walk.

Chase- We had already been walking for two hours and I could tell Abby's feet were hurting her so I helped her out by picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way, with her over my shoulder and the pizza in my hand. We got to my house and Abby's mom was there.
"Mrs. Bryan, what are you doing here?

Abby needs to come home.

Why, what's wrong?

We're going to leesburg georgia, it's her grandma."
I looked at Abby and she looked at me.
"You should go.

Will you go with me?

If its ok with your family?

Of coarse it's fine."
"Mom just let us pack our clothes and we'll be at your house.

Ok honey but we're leaving tonight, so hurry."
Chase and I went inside ate pizza then packed our stuff.
Chase-I was getting the rest of the accessories and when I walked downstairs ABBY was crying.
I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.
"It's going to be ok, calm down, shhh.... shhh.... shhh."
After I calmed her down we were off to her house. On the way the song drink a beer came on the radio and it reminds her of her aunt Kelly and uncle Chris, her dads sister and brother. Plus some of her closest friends who have passed.
"Don't worry baby, we just gotta pray enough so everything will be alright.

God doesn't always answer my prays.

He don't always answer mine either but I still find a way to pull through the hard times.

Yeah but that's you.

Just don't worry I'll be there for you baby.

Thank you."
When we had arrived at her place her parents were waiting on us at the end of there driveway so we could just follow them. About an hour later we arrived at leesburg georgia hospital.

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