Chapter 8: The Rescue and Confusion

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Author/Night: I apologise for not updating this book- I was working on my new one.
Also, I could be too lazy to make Error's text glitched-


-4th wall breakers
-Stressed out author :>

Sun Empire: 3rd Person- Present Time

Dream and Blue got their equipment ready. Today they were going to save Ink from the Moon Empire's grasp. From what Dream heard from his lover, Cross, Ink is being held in the dungeon. Mostly looked after by a skeleton called Error. He was tasked with getting information from Ink. No luck so far...

Error wasn't the one to hurt Ink. Just threaten him. But then Look after him? His intentions were still unclear, whether he actually cares about Ink's well being. Or if he's just being a hypocrite. The 2nd option is more likely.

Dream and Blue were outside the castle wall, Dream had told his guards that he's going on a mission. And that they should stay on high alert while he's gone.

They had made it into the forest. Now it's time for them to cross the barrier and into Lord Nightmare's territory.

Moon Empire: 3rd Person- Present Time

Meanwhile with Ink and Error,
Ink was there, still refusing to give any information. Error, on the other hand, couldn't give a fuck. If Ink doesn't want to give info, then it's his fault if he gets beaten by Dust and Horror. But in the end, Error always heals Ink. He doesn't know if he heals him out of pity, guilt. Or something even more strong and strange.

But never, Once had Error hurt him. He just couldn't bring himself to lay a hand on Ink. It was like Ink actually meant something to Error. But that would be impossible. They're on different sides of the war, not to mention that they're enemies. But still, Error felt like he had a connection with this colourful skeleton. And he fucking hated it.

"Hey Glitchy, what are you thinking about?" Ink asked.

That was the nickname Ink had given Error. Error didn't care though, he had a lot of nicknames for Ink as well. Ink has gotten used to Error being around him, and sort of comfortable around the glitched skeleton. But he knew that Dream and Blue will come to rescue him soon from his place.

Error snapped out of his trance, glancing at Ink.

"NoThInG. AnD iT iSn'T yOuR bUsInEsS eItHeR, aSsHoLe." Error answered.
This was just his typical attitude towards Ink. Still pretending to hate him.

Ink sat up, his body already feeling sore from being chained up for about a week now.

"It was just a simple question." Ink stated, he didn't like Error's attitude, even if he did get used to it.

"A qUeStIoN tHaT iSn'T mAnDaToRy To AsK." Error added on.

"I was just curious. What's wrong with curiosity?"

Error looked at Ink. Then, within a few mere moments, he was in front of Ink. He leaned forward, inches away from Ink's face.
There was a slight trace of rainbow blush on Ink's cheeks. Due to the fact of how close they are.

" W-what are you-"

"YoU aSk WhAt'S wRoNg WiTh CuRiOsItY? sImPle. It CaN gEt A sMaRtAsS lIkE yOu. Killed."

Error face was completely neutral. As well as his glitched tone of voice except for the last word. His voice changed, it wasn't Glitchy yet it was... Protective?
Ink couldn't know for sure.

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