Chapter 13: You Were Saying?

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well. My updating schedule is a mess again, but I'm sure I'll be back to updating frequently. That isn't a promise, however.
Just one thing to add. This book will have 2 endings, one good and the other bad. Whichever one you like better, consider that the true ending. Both are important to the storyline.
So in that case, whether you like pure Angst, dark topics etc. Or wholesome, fluffy happy endings. You'll be satisfied either way.

T/W may apply some places along with the chapters.

That's all for me. Onto the chapter~


A couple of weeks have passed since our last encounter with Error and Ink. The two have come to a mutual understanding, and somewhat like-hate relationship. In other words, frenemies. They kept their information about their empires to themselves, of course not in full trust of one another.
They haven't forgotten about the fact that they are still enemies. And for the far future, continue to be.

The current dynamic is that Ink talks and the other listens. Leaving comments about certain things here and there. Sometimes it could be the other way around. Error can be rather teasing or just a straight-up mood.
Intriguing, these two are.
Their weekly meet up point is the place in the deep forest, shrouded by magic and the density of the forest itself is enough to keep themselves hidden and go unnoticed.

And so, we are here today with one of their weekly meetings. Things started off pretty well, all things considered.

"Pff, I knew you were idiotic and all, but I didn't take you to be so brainless-" Error snorted, not bothering to hold in his laughter as the smaller skeleton in front of him, huffed.

"Firstly. We're skeletons, we have no brains talking glitch. Secondly, It was just a question-!" Ink exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"Oh but darling, where's the non-existent logic in that? Face it, your question was stupid." Error chuckled.

Ink glared daggers at him, his eye lights switching colour and shape.
"Don't call me that. I hate it-"

"All the more reason to call you so... Darling." The taller hummed, a playful grin seen on his face.
Clearly, he was teasing the smaller.

Ink paused for a single second, inhaling in the air for his non-existent lungs before exhaling. He grabbed his oversized brush, which intrigued Error. A couple of seconds passed before he went in to try and smack the taller glitch, however just ended up in a situation. A tangled situation you could say.

"Ah, ah. Classic mistake. If I did what would be most likely expected of me, you'll end up with a clean-cut along your neck, on the spot. Mh, the sounds of satisfaction of bones being crushed." The glitch hummed, his strings intertwining around Ink's body and brush more, keeping both upheld.

"... Damn your strings. I forgot about them.." The smaller cursed.

Error's smile only twisted in amusement.
"No surprise. You forget everything. Really, what use are you, with the way you are?"
His mismatched pinpricks locked on with his rivals.

It wasn't before long, as Ink glanced away. "You're one to talk..."

"Oh? And why do you say that?" It was like Error was taunting Ink. Trying to make him deliberately annoyed.

"Do I even have to explain myself? Your name says it all. Error. In other words, your name is a direct link to mistakes. I might be forgetful but I still provide my worth to the Emperor as well as my Empire." Ink responded, pure venom laced with every word that was muttered out his mouth. His glance sharp as broken glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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