Chapter 10: 'This Is Wrong...-'

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A/N: AHH- I'm so sorry! Haven't updated in like months-- I'm so flipping lazy and unmotivated TnT
The art above isn't mine so credit to the artist.

Anyway, my writing style might be a bit off and will change most probably since I'll finish this like, weeks after I've started this.

The Sun Empire.
2:33 pm
A couple of days later.

Ink was laying on his bed, having a pillow cover half of his face as he was daydreaming. Mostly about his job as the Royal advisor and artist of his empire. But his thoughts soon wandered off, thinking about a certain skeleton he was fond of. Even if he were to deny it.

Snapping out of his thoughts and groaning out of annoyance, the artist sat up from his bed and extended his arm out to the desk. Picking up his drawing book and quill.

"I shouldn't be thinking about him. He kidnapped me for Dream's sake!" Ink reminded himself.

((It's kinda like the phrase 'Asgores sake' but since Dream is their Emperor, they use that phrase. In the moon empire its the same but they use Nightmare for the phrase-))

He soon calmed down, taking a deep breath and closed his eye sockets. Clearing his mind and started to draw. The tattooed skeleton had no idea what he was drawing and how it will turn out.

He does this to calm himself. Drawing has always brought him peace while doing anything, really. It is his passion after all, and the reason he became an artist.

He might be looking at the piece of paper while drawing, but his mind was 'blank'. So he technically isn't self-aware of what he's drawing at the moment. He'll snap out of that state once he's finished.

20 minutes later, Ink had finished. Blinking a couple of times to clear his blurry vision and look at the art he had drawn.

His face erupting into blush afterwards.

"Nononononono-! W-Why did I draw.. H-Him-?!"

The art was very detailed. Every stroke of the quill to absolute perfection. The shading, glitching particle effects, everything. His perception of this monster being captured in his artwork. His intentions being there as well.

He subconsciously traced his boney fingertips along with the mouth of the monster he had drawn. Then with the same hand, brought it up and he brushed the fingertip along his own 'mouth'.

And that's when Ink noticed something. That literally made him throw the canvas, with his artwork, across his room.

"AHhHhHH-- W-WhA- W-WhYyY?!?" He squealed, covering his face which was burning hot. His rainbow blush was really all that was visible of his face, glowing brightly.

His eyelights, one being an orange question and exclamation mark and the other being a green swirl mark.

If you wanted to know what he saw. He basically drew the certain monster, shirtless. One time, after remembering something from his time in the prison.

The Dungeon, that Ink was in, was boiling hot one day, during the week. Leading Error, to take off his jacket and shirt for a whole day. Then at Night, the glitch, putting the clothes back on. He didn't think of much and didn't care that Ink saw him. He knew they were 'enemies' so he thought it didn't matter.

Of course, Ink at the time wasn't paying too much attention to that but would tell Error to put a shirt on. Error wouldn't listen to him, wanting to simply irritate him. But subconsciously, Ink's mind was taking notes and thinking about Error's broad frame...

Why you might ask? Question the gay artist, himself.

'Okay, Calm down Ink! You drawing Glitchy like... that... didn't mean anything!! Right. . .?!'

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