Just A Normal Day {Chapter 1}

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!⚠ Swearing warning ⚠!

(This story will mostly have Killer's and Nightmare's Povs. And I might edit this chapter later,)

Outer:Underlined Italics
Error:GlItChY bold underlined

Killer's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of Horror screaming. Probably because Dust lit the kitchen on fire or something while he was cooking... Those Idiots. I quickly got out of bed then walked to the kitchen to see... Yup. Fire. Luckily Error put it out, before Nightmare can see it. I know that this day was going to be normal, so I did the exact same things.
I saw Almost everyone here, Dust, Horror, Error but Cross has been mysteriously disappearing most of the time... I don't think anyone has really noticed though, so I guess that's a good thing for him-
I sigh and I walk up to the Kitchen counter, and sat on the chair while I eat my food. I didn't feel like saying anything today so I just stayed quiet.

Then I felt a negative aura, Yup. 'The Great Nightmare is here!' Like usual I tell him "I'm going out, Nightmare" He usually let's me go, but this time it was different. He looked at me and simply nodded. I could just feel that something was not right...

Nightmare's POV:

"I'm going out, Nightmare," Killer said. I knew that something was going on with Killer, ever since our last few attacks on the Sun Empire. He seems more... Positive... I knew if I said 'no' Killer would still go anyway, since he doesn't listen to me. So I just look at him and nod my Skull. Of course I need to know what he is hiding so I would need to follow him.
He looks at me excited, while his Eye Lights flicker
"Heh, cute-" I whispered so he wouldn't hear me.
But the others somehow did and smirked at me, I gave them a death stare, and sighed.

As Killer got up and walked to the Castle Door,

"Yo Killer! Where're you going?"
A familiar voice shouted across the room.
Killer flinched at this question. Ok now I KNOW, he is hiding something from me..

Killer POV:

Shit shit shit- They can't know about me and Outer! It would be the end of him... Literally-
"Just out into the Village to you know, do my usual Schedule~" I replied with a Sly tone. Phew, I just said the first excuse that came into my head.
"YoU'rE sErIoUsLy GoInG tO fLiRt WiTh OtHeR mOnStErS... aReN't YoU?"
A Black Skeleton with Errors around his body, questioned me, with constant Glitches in his voice.

"Well of course~ you know me Error~"
I replied again with a smirk on my face, while Error just rolled his Eyes(?)

"Don't you ever get bored?"
Horror Questioned,

"Well it's better then being here and doing nothing. Besides, it's fun to mess around with people~" I giggled

"Just come back Early, we're going to attack again at Midnight."
A Deep husky voice said, as I smile. I nod my head, heading to the forest.

But if you know me, you would know i would have a bit of 'Fun' before I reach the forest

{Stop breaking the fourth wall Killer! I seriously just fixed it!}

I was satisfied with myself as I had reached the area that I meet Outer. Like always, he's always there waiting for me to show up since I always get 'Side Tracked'
As soon as Outer spotted me, he ran over to give me a hug, i gladly hugged back.

"Didn't think you missed me that much~" I chuckled as his face turned a bit blue.

"Yeah Yeah- No need to be such a flirt, Kills" He replied as his cheeks(?) lightly dust with beautiful blue blush, I just chuckle at his reaction

"Fine, fine but only for you~" I smiled at Outer. Then pulled him into a hug, but I have the slight feeling that someone was watching us...
As I was zoning out, Outer must of noticed when suddenly he pulled me into a Kiss. I was a bit started but then I started to kiss back and melted into it.

Nightmare's POV:

As I followed Killer out of the Castle, and into the Village. It seemed like all he was doing was just Flirting and hitting on random Drunk or Horny ass Strangers,
'Their fate is already sealed...' I thought to myself, to make sure that No One get to have MY Killer...
I kept following Killer, Nothing much had changed, I just made a mental note of all the people that Killer Flirted with or the ones that Flirted with Killer...

After awhile it was turning a bit dark, as I saw him head towards the forest. I was confused on why he would go there of all places... I hid in the shadows, and manged to find a spot where I can see everything that's going on and stay hidden.

Then that's where I saw him and... Outer? The royal guard member from my stupid brother's Empire? What is he doing with Killer.? I soon got out of my thoughts when Killer pulled Outer into a hug, and Flirting with him some more... I turned my goopy boney hands into fists, when I saw what was happening...

But then my soul dropped... They were... K I S S I N G... My mind became filled with Jealousy and Hate when I saw Killer kissing him back...
How long have they been together.?
Why did he do this...?
How could he betray me...?!

L O O K S L I K E I ' l l H A V E T O G E T T H O S E A N S W E R S M Y S E L F . . . !

To be continued...

{Muhahahahahaha! I'm so evil! ÚwÚ
Anyway I hope you reader's are enjoying the story so far, so if this chapter is short! I'm writing this at Midnight sooo-
Anyway I wanna know if later on you want Errorink and Afterdeath Fluff, (Yes they will be introduced later on the book) anyway that's all!
Author out! ✨}

Word count: 1040 {Including the notes} or 978 {Not including this and the Author's note.}

¡~The Nightmare that will never End~! An Empireverse AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now