Chapter 7: I never wanted to hurt you... Part 2

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A/N: This chapter was brought to you by an author that has no idea what they are doing :>


✯ Ink : Normal {Squid}

✯Dream : Italics {Lil lemon Oreo/ Star boi}

✯Nightmare: Bold {Goopy tentacle octopus}

✯Killer: Italics underlined {Stabby/Knifu waifu}

✯Blue : Underlined {Demonic lil cinnamon roll}

✯Cross : Bold Italics {A walking X or cow-}

Ink's Pov:

What just happened...? D-did E-error just call me 'Inky'? Seriously?! Okay, the way he has been acting proves my theory so far... Yet I don't have enough information to come to a conclusion yet- I sigh as I think of my next move. I just hope Lord Dream and Blue will find me soon...

{A week later}

Blueberry's Pov (a new one-):

Something is not right... Outer is missing and as well as Ink, I'm worried for them...
What if something happened?! I need to tell Lord Dream! He must of noticed to. I was on the outskirts of the Castle, and then my GB {Gaster blaster} noticed something on the edge of the kingdom walls. It looked like a piece of clothing covered in...powder? I was curious so I decided to investigate, maybe somebody lost it?

As I drew closer and closer, once I was close enough I realized that it was a jacket. I was standing in front of the torn clothing, before Realizing... It was Outer's! But if it's here then...

3rd person (It's so much easier-):

Blue paused and stared at the torn piece of clothing with wide sockets, when he saw what the so called 'Powder' really was... His baby blue star eyelights turned into a small, dim prinpricks, tears pricked his eye sockets. His GB looked at Blue with sorrowful eyes, Blue kneeled down to pick up the shredded jacket, holding back his clear blue tears as much as he can. He held it close to his chest, Outer was one of his best friends, they always used to train together. They never kept secrets from each other, Blue knew about Outer's boyfriend but didn't know who exactly it was. The memories of their great times replayed in Blue's head. He just couldn't believe that Outer was gone... Dusted.
And Blue knew exactly who dusted him, one word.

As the anger flowed through Blueberry's body, he had to show this to Emperor Dream. Then Blue remembered something else. Ink was missing! There was no way Blue was ready to loose another friend, he picked himself up off the dusted dirt floor. He was going with or without backup, and he knew exactly where Ink was being held...
The Moon Empire, Hell itself as Blue thought of it.

He remembered his time there as a prisoner, but luckily his friends rescued him before they could REALLY hurt and torcher him into giving the information they wanted about the Sun Empire. He did get beaten a few times, but he managed to heal himself. There was only one person he was worried about, Dust... Blue doesn't know why, but he is always nervous when his opponent is Dust.
He also doesn't get that Dust always gives him complements while battling? But little does Blue know, Dust was actually flirting with Blue when they're alone battling. Blue is just too innocent to know, No one has ever told or explained the concept of flirting him so Blue never understood it, and the flirting has no effect. But Dust always found that interesting and somehow cute of Blue's reactions?

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