Chapter 3:The reveal (⚠️Warnings!⚠️)

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This chapter contains the following:
✵L.O.V.E (Acronym)
✵Fluff and Lime {Just a bit}
✵if you're uncomfortable with these, then I suggest you don't read this chapter

Speech only:
Killer: Italic
Nightmare: Bold
Outer: Underlined

3rd person:

Killer melted into the kiss and kept kissing Outer, but decided to stop when he heard a noise, behind him. He pulled away from the kiss, while Outer whined a bit from the sudden loss of contact, and looked in the direction that the noise came from...

Nightmare on the other hand, was losing it. His mind became clouded with Bloodlust thoughts and couldn't get himself to stop the thoughts of making Killer his. And his ONLY.
So he just came up with a simple solution.
Just kill the Royal Guard, Outer.
He didn't care if Killer would be heartbroken over him, soon enough Killer will forget about him. But he wasn't going to kill Outer yet, because he had to yet to give Killer's "Punishment"
And yes, he did have something in mind that would make Killer regret Lying and Betraying him for another.

Killer's POV:

I swear I heard something from behind me, in the forest. I try and focus my non existent Eyes in the darkness where the noise seemed to have come from.

"Killer? You okay?"
A voice behind me asked with worry.
"Yeah I'm just-"

No one's POV:

Killer was cut off by black tentacles flying at his lover, trapping them amongst their grip. Not too tight but just enough to keep him in place. A laughter could be heard among the shadows. Killer could recognize that laughter anywhere, it was his Boss... Nightmare. The Prince of Darkness revealed himself to Outer and Killer, he has a sadistic smile on his face and continued laughing.

Killer had a worried look on his face, since he knew he was busted. But he didn't like these kinds of emotion, so he tried to hide his fear.
He failed.

"Well I never thought the person who would betray me would be you, Killer" Killer can feel the negative aura radiating off of Nightmare.

"What do you want, Nightmare" Outer was showed no sorts of fear, That's because he had no idea what Nightmare was capable of.

"Heh... I'm not here for you, I'm here for something far more valuable~" Nightmare's grin widened. Outer was in shock as well as Killer, but Killer had a slight tint of Red blush on his face.
"And you're in my way..."
Nightmare chocked Outer and threw him to the side.
"Outer!" Killer was about to run to his lover to check if he was OK, when the tentacles griped around his waist and tightened.
"You're coming with me."

Before Killer could say anything, in a blink of a eye socket, Nightmare used his magic to teleport them back to the castle. But it was different... Instead of teleporting to the dungeon like Killer expected, they teleported to the Dark Emperor's room. Killer was in confusion while Nightmare chuckled at his obliviousness .

(This is were the bit of Lime and Fluff begins, And it's my first time writing something like this, so bear with me! TwT)

"Do you know why we're here, Killer?" Killer shook his head and didn't say anything, but kept his guard up since he knows Nightmare is not the most merciful person in the Empires.

¡~The Nightmare that will never End~! An Empireverse AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now