Chapter 4: Boss...?

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⚠ Warning! ⚠
This chapter contains:
A lime/ {Maybe even Lemon}
If you are uncomfortable with these, then I suggest you don't read this chapter.

Speach only:
Nightmare: Bold
Killer: Italic
Dust: Underlined
Cross: Normal
Horror: Italic Underlined
Errror: Bold Italics

Killer's POV

I slowly woke up. The light reflecting through the windows, it was currently Dawn. I can tell due to the color of the sunlight.

As my sight fixed, I realized I was in Nightmare's room... It was a dark with only the light of the windows and the door.
I tried to move around. But failed. I was chained up... To a bed...
I started to freak out, I couldn't remember anything that happened. So I just sat there. And didn't do a thing, waiting for something to happen.

After a short period of time, my Memories started to flow back. I remembered everything, with Outer being hurt, the Prince of Negativity liking me. And about my... Punishment...

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I thought of what Nightmare has planned for me. I know it won't be good for me due to the way he acted last time... he is probably going to do something even worse now, that i have my emotions.

Why did it have to be ME that he liked. why couldn't he let me be happy with Outer...

No one's POV

As Killer was questioning everything that happened in his life, he didn't seem to notice that Nightmare had entered the room.

"I see that you are awake~"

Killer didn't say anything, he looked away from Nightmare avoiding eye contact. Nightmare smirked and walked over to killer. He grabbed Killer's chin and made him face Nightmare. He smiled once more, while Killer looked at him with disgust.

Killer didn't say a word to Nightmare, He couldn't even look at him right now. Nightmare on the other hand, used his tentacles to get some sort of box. When the box reached his hands, he opened it to find...

"A Shock collar...?!" This is not what Killer was expecting.

"There is no way I'm wearing that! I said I accept my punishment but I wasn't expecting this!" Killer shouted at Nightmare, there was no way he was going to be like a 'pet' for his Boss. Nightmare chuckled

"Oh so you'd rather get raped then~? It's either you wear the collar or the more 'Fun' option" Killer said nothing. He never thought that he will go this far... Of course Killer didn't want to get raped by the Moon Emperor, so he looked Nightmare dead in the eye sockets and hesitantly nodded. Signaling to Nightmare that he can proceed and put the collar on him without him resisting.

After Nightmare put the shock collar on Killer, he started to explain how things will work on from now on.

"Now that you've accepted your punishment, here is how it's going to work. You will always wear this collar and never take it off so people know that you're Mine. You can't leave the Castle or see anyone from the outside. You're only allowed to go outside this room if I say so. And the only people you can talk to is, Dust, Horror, Cross, Error and Me. If I catch you sneaking out or going to the Sun Empire to see 'Outer', I will punish you. Got it?"

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