Chapter 6: I never wanted to hurt you...

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A/N: The art above isn't mine! Its Lunar- Chan's! This storyline for this chapter was by @NicaNixxy and @TheKawaiiShipperHB23 Thanks for your help! <3

Characters in this chapter:

✵Ink {Squid} : Normal

✵Error {Walking Windows vista} : Bold Italics

✵Nightmare {Goopy Octopus} : Bold

✵Dust{Dustbin} : Underlined

✵Horror {Cracked egg shell} : Bold underlined

Error's Pov:

I was currently walking through the forest of the border between the two empires, The chaos in the Moon Empire, was getting too much for my liking. The trees swaying in the breeze, the wild flowers all blooming. The birds singing. It was peaceful on days like these, I usually walk around these parts of the forest. It's better then being in crowded areas, The ancient forests were perfect to just get some time away from the castle and stuff. It was great to clear my mind too, I mean when you found out your Emperor is a lovesick, sadistic, yandere octopus-
Not something you hear everyday...-

As I continued through the forest while carrying on with my walk, sighing. I didn't have a chance to react when I suddenly bumped into someone...

Ink's Pov:

Lord Dream told me I should have a break from working today, so I decided to have a walk in the forest. It's nature is beautiful after all. The perfect place where I can practice my art skills. I usually never have the time to draw or paint due to my duties for my Empire, so I was very thankful for this opportunity. though I have some suspicions for Lord Dream's behavior for the past couple of months, He barely comes out of his room, never shows up to training on time according to Blue, Always making excuses, keeping whatever he is doing in his room a secret, He's been... Distracted, by something. Another thing got me thinking too, no one has seen Outer for the past few days, and he never misses a day of his work as the Royal guard, so something must of happened to him. I feel like this has something to do with the moon empire and Outer's missing boyfriend... But these aren't the only reasons for my suspicions, Error. A person from the opposite Empire. A black boned skeleton, I find him interesting. He's been acting strange the last few battles, like he doesn't want to fight? He surely didn't put that much effort into killing me, at least with my experience of fighting him. It's like he doesn't want to hurt me...

As I was lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone snapping me out of my trance...

3rd person:

The two skeletons unknowingly bumped into each other causing one to fall on top of the other, The glitched skeleton was on top while the artist was underneath. A yelp could be heard from Ink as the fall had caused the smaller to hit his head on a tree trunk causing him to pass out of conscious. The taller on the other hand, was trying to make sure he doesn't crash, More and more Errors started to pop up on his body and around him. Error wasn't used to being close with anyone, he usually kept a distance between him and other people. But now that he is on top of another person and that person being his arch- nemesis, he could not take it well.

A few minutes later, Error managed to scooted away from Ink and out of that 'Awkward position' He regained his sight, clearing away the extra Error pop ups. He soon realized that the other was unconscious. Error kept debating on what to do, should he let him go or capture him? He looked down at the poor skeleton, a slight tint of yellow blush creeping up on his face. He had decided, Ink was now going to be a prisoner of the Moon Empire.

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