Chapter 9: '...Idiot.'

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Author Night: I just remembered I haven't introduced you guys yet to Reaper and Geno- So this is just going to be a chapter on them and some Nightkiller.
Also, The art above was by Lunnar-Chan.


So we are back, this time, instead of focusing on one of the Empires, We're going to be focusing on two 'interesting' skeletons.

One skeleton had the ability to kill anyone they touched. Known as the grim reaper. He wore a black cloak with his hood up. As well as ropes tied around his waist and a brown scarf, lined with brown fabric. He had huge black wings that he can retract. His name being Reaper. Or Death. Pretty straight forward.

Another skeleton had a jacket with a shirt. He was wearing all white. He had a crimson red scarf with a few cuts. He also had a couple of bandages wrapped around his arms. Having a huge red slash across his chest, eternally bleeding. As well as having bloodstain his mouth. His right eye was covered by a glitch, underneath, his eye socket was melting. This half-dead Skeleton going by the name Geno.

The only Monster that could be touched by the god of death himself. Curiously, these two were on no sides of the war. They were completely neutral. They mostly spend their time in the forest and the border. But they had their own secret area, away from the two Empires. They'd rather avoid anyone from the Empires.
Most people forgot they existed, monsters that aren't on any side.

At this moment in time, Reaper was relaxing, stretching out his wings freely while walking through the forest. Having his lover beside him.

Did I mention, they're also together?

Geno was walking with Reaper around the forest, as they usually do. Leaning his head on the taller and looked away. Of course, Any Geno is a Tsundere. Well in this Au, he is one too.
As they continued walking, Reaper didn't mind at all. He just smiled, looking up at the clear blue sky above them.

"It's a beautiful day outside. Hearing the birds sing and watching the flowers bloom." Geno commented, closing his eye sockets and he continued walking.
I'm sorry, I just had to--

Reaper stopped for a moment, having Geno besides him as he sat down and leaned on a nearby tree. Curving his wings around Geno, pulling him close.

"Would you mind explain, what you're doing?" Geno questioned, having a small amount of red blush, light up his cheeks.

Reaper didn't really respond at the moment. He had his eyes closed, feeling some sort of energy from the Moon Empire.

"Another life was lost. An innocent one." Reaper mumbled, having remembered he felt a similar feeling many times before.

Geno turned towards Reaper, raising a non-existent 'brow'
"What do you mean, Reaper?"

Reaper sighed, opening his eye sockets once again.
"Another innocent life from the sun Empire was slaughtered by Emperor Nightmare. The monster that was killed, having nothing bad done in their life as they were just a child. One of a pretty young age."

Geno looked at Reaper, with a frown.
"You know we can't intervene."

"I know but that's the 6th life lost to Lord Nightmare this week."

Geno sighed, leaning onto Reaper's chest, looking up at the taller.
"I know you are concerned as the Grim Reaper. But you know we can't do anything. It's better to just avoid them. After all, you know what your touch can do to others."

Reaper glanced down at Geno and sighed, then gave him a small smile.
"You always know how to convince me, Geno."

Geno rolled his prinpricks at that, blushing slightly red.
"Yeah, Sure. Just don't do anything stupid."

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