Chapter 2: Our secret~

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(A/N: Sorry this took so long! Had some school work and i have videos to post, so i couldn't finish this on time TwT )

Dream: Normal

Cross: Bold Italics

Blueberry/Blue: Underlined

Outer: Underlined Italics

Meanwhile in the Sun Empire~ :

Dreams POV:

I slowly opened my eye sockets to be greeted by warm sunlight, shining. I yawned and tried to get up but- I realized that I was in Cross's grip as my head was right next to his chest. My cheekbones heated up a bit as I noticed the position that we were in... I didn't mind it but, I had to move so that I can attend my work as the emperor of the Sun Empire.

"Hey Cross?" I whisper into his ear (?)

"Hmmm~?" Cross groaned as he was waking up from his sleep

"We Need to get up, or someone will come in to find out what is taking so long.." I said to Cross as he just smiled at me.

As he was opened his mouth to say something, we heard footstep... and they were getting closer... Then someone knocked on the door, so I quickly push Cross off the bed and landed with a thud. I gave him the look, so he understands why I just did that.

"Dream? You up yet?" A small skeleton question as I just smile and say
"You can come in Blue! And yes I am awake," I gave permission for Blue to enter.

"By the way, what was that *thud* sound?"
I just acted on impulse and said the first excuse that came into my head.

"I just dropped my Staff on my floor, It's nothing worry about Blue!" I gave a nervous smile, Cross saw this and just smiled lip syncing that it will be fine. I felt more comfortable knowing that he's with me...

"OK, well me and Ink will wait for you at the dining table then!" Blue Flashed a Smile, then as the energetic person he was, ran out of the room, probably to see what Ink's doing.
I just sighed and then Cross got up from the floor.

"Hey, at least we didn't get caught, Dreamy" Cross chuckled

I smiled at him. But then i remember about the council meeting that i had today, And Cross can't stay here since he has been with me for the past 3 day- Does no one in the Moon Empire realize that Cross is gone?

" Cross... I have a few Council meeting today and it has been three day, Not that I don't want you to stay with me, but we still need to keep *Us* a secret" I looked down at the floor knowing that we won't see each other for a few weeks...

No Ones POV

Cross touched Dream's cheekbones and gently kissed them, He did this so that his lover won't be sad. He always hated seeing Dream sad, so he would do anything just to see his smile.

"It's Okay Dream, we'll see each other soon" Cross calmed Dream. Dream smiled at Cross's words and hugged him farewell.

"Yeah, See you soon Cross..."

Cross quickly gave Dream a peck on his lips (Logic never existed) then disappeared. Dream let out a sigh as he looked at the tar forming around left eye slowly melting like it never existed, and got ready for the day ahead of him.

A/N: (This was just a Cream chapter since it's my OTP, along with Frans- I know this is a Nightkiller book but it will have some Cream too. and just a bit of Errorink, Dustberry and Afterdeath. Just a Bit)

What do you guys think happened to Dream? And to those people that do know exactly what I'm talking about, Do you think that Cross and Nightmare will find out soon?

The next chapter will be about what happened next with Outer, Killer and Nightmare. And yes it will take awhile... and sorry that this chapter is really short. But until the next chapter, Bai!

Word count: 677 (The whole thing) 560 (Just the chapter)

¡~The Nightmare that will never End~! An Empireverse AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now