"The Bunch-ala's" and "Sin-Boi's" Pt.1

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*Alibaba added Morgiana, Hakruyuu and Aladdin to the chat*

*Alibaba renamed the chat, "The Bunch-ala's"*

Aladdin: what's with the group chat's name?

Alibaba: Me and Sinbad are having a contest on which group in Sindria has more people join. And since you guys are my friends, you get to be the first 3 people in my group, "The Bunch-ala's!"

Hakruyuu: This is the worst thing you or Mr.Sinbad could ever think of.

Morgiana: I agree.

Aladdin: I'm in!

Alibaba: 😢 at least one of you is my true friend.

Morgiana: I didn't say I wouldn't do it.

Alibaba: 😊 aww thanks Morg!

Hakruyuu: I still don't know why I'm apart of this...

Alibaba: Because, you're my friend!

Hakruyuu: I didn't agree to be your friend.

Alibaba: Friendship doesn't have a contract, now come on! 🥺

Hakruyuu: Ugh fine.

Alibaba: 😆 Yayy!!! I bet Sinbad is having such a hard time getting people to join his group right now! We got this in the bag!

(Meanwhile with Sinbad's group)

*Sinbad added Jafar, Sharrkan, Spartos, and Kams to the chat*

*Sinbad renamed the chat to, "Sin-Boi's"*

Jafar: What the hell is this?

Kams: Why isn't Jazz here?

Sinbad: Me and Alibaba made a deal that whoever gets the most people in their group, get's to win whatever they want from the other person. I only have you guys here because the limit we can add to is 4 people when we first start. We need to get you guys to talk to others to join our group!

Sharrkan: I'm definitely in!

Kams: I'm in!

Jafar: Sounds fun. Count me out.

Sinbad: Jafar!! You can't back out of this!!

Jafar: Watch me.

*Jafar left the chat*

Sinbad: ... did he just...?

Kams: he just did.

Spartos: Why am I here? I'm the least Social person here.

Sinbad: Oh yea, you're right.

*Sinbad removed Spartos*

*Sinbad added Kouen

*Sinbad added Jafar*

Sinbad: there we go!

Jafar: why the fuck.

Kouen: What is this?

Sinbad: scroll up and you'll see.

Kouen: ...

*Kouen left the chat*

Sinbad: Oh come on!

Kams: this is getting good.

Sinbad: Does no one love me??!

Jafar: no.

Sinbad: 😢 😭

Kams: ooo- harsh

Sharrkan: damn bro, that's some damage right there.

Jafar: Here, have this asshole take my spot.

*Jafar added Judar to the chat*

Judar: Ayeee!!!! What's up, idiot king, Shark boy, weird girl I never learned your name, and omg Jafar!!

Sinbad: Why did you add him, Jafar?

Jafar: to see if I can make you commit mass genocide.

Sinbad: wha?

Judar: So stupid king, how's life been for ya?

Sinbad: no.

*Sinbad removed Judar*

Sinbad: good... now he's gone.

*Jafar added Judar**


Jafar: and I can only add his ass twice.

Kams: this is getting really good.

Sharrkan: let's share some popcorn, shall we? 🍿

Kams: oh, why thank you!

Judar: Idiot king, you really think that you can get rid of me, hehe? It's really funny when you think you have the upper hand on me, haha! Even though I'm your enemy, you still have sympathy for me, pfft haha!!

Sinbad: ...Jafar.

Jafar: yes?

Sinbad: after this. Bedroom. Immediately.

Jafar: ...

*jafar left the chat*


*Sinbad blocked Judar*

Sharrkan: 👀

Kams: 👀

*kams and Sharrkan left the chat*

*Sinbad left the chat*

Edit: I AM NOT ACTUALLY A SPARTOS SLANDER! I just think it's funny when I do this

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