The 5 idiots Pt. 7 (Although It's A Miracle: Sinja)

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*Sinbad added everyone to the chat*

Sinbad: Kams, what's this story you made a while back, Although It's A Miracle: Sinja?

Kams: oh that? That was my first Sinja book I wrote on this account. It's not my favorite, but it was pretty ok.

Judar: I was expecting her to be more like Jasmine/hibiscusbxbe and scream at us to not read it.

Kams: well, there's not exactly a bad part in the book so... I don't mind really.

Judar: after I read your book, Drinks=Boys?, I think I'd stay away from your books for a while.

Jasmine: Seriously, it wasn't bad at all.

Kams: see? Even Jazz is standing up for me, and that's a rare sight to see!

Sinbad: sigh... I'll start reading it.

Kams: yay!

Sinbad: why are there 3 seasons!?

Kams: they're all pretty short tho

Sinbad: ugh alright.

Judar: I guess I'll read it too.

Jafar: Wait, what's going on?

Judar: we're reading Kams's first book

Jafar: oh. I see. May I read it too?

Sinbad: of course!

30 minutes later-

(They just finished season 1)

Sinbad: I... *sniffle* Why must you leave me Jafar...?

Jafar: That's just fiction Sin! It's not real! ... *sniffle* just fiction...

Judar: damn. Wonder when I'll get a mention in this book.

Jasmine: you get your ass beat up.

Judar: huh!? Kams I thought we were friends!

Kams: I wrote this before I became friends with you and Jafar was mad~

Jafar: ok, I'm going onto season 2 now.

Another 30 minutes-

(Finished season 2)


Jafar: I told you to stop calling me Onii-Chan

Judar: would you prefer shrimp instead?

Jafar: onii-Chan is fine...

Sinbad *crying*: I... I can't... Jafar you're so wonderful I love you so much

Jafar: you proposed to me and you're the one crying? I see.

Kams: Wow. Didn't think this book would effect you guys lol

Jasmine: I was screaming when Jafar le—

*Kams muted Jasmine*

Kams: No spoilers

*Kams unmuted Jasmine*

Jasmine: ugh

Another 30 minutes-

(They got done with the book)


Kams: I did hint it with your talk with Rurumu.

Jafar: ahhhh....... *faints*

Judar: you killed onii-Chan

Jasmine: So... apparently kids kill Jafar. I'll note that

Kams: what did Judar think of it?

Judar: the story should've been of me getting my revenge on onii-Chan for beating me.

Kams: -_-

Jasmine: what about Sin?

Sinbad: I...

Jasmine: ?

Sinbad: I'm a dad...?

Kams: Yup!

Sinbad: T-T

Kams: Might want to go see if your wife is ok

Sinbad: W-wife!?

Kams: yeah, the mother to your children?

Sinbad: M-mother!?

Jasmine: Kams...

Kams: hehe. The love of your life~ The one you're supposed to live together with until you die~

Sinbad: d-die!? I- JAFAR I'M COMING BABY!

*Sinbad is offline*

Judar: w o w

Jasmine: ...god damn

Kams: I love this life of mine, hehe

judar: I'm going to make sure Onii-Chan is ok... along with idiot king

*Judar is offline*


Jasmine: sigh...

*jasmine is offline*

Kams: oh. That means I can do whatever I want hehe~ TIME TO GO WRITE SINJA!

*Kams is offline*

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