Pt. 13 (The new generation squad)

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(This contains spoilers for my books "Although It's a miracle" and "High on life: New generation")

Judar: Hey guyssssssssss

Kams: what's up??

Judar: boop.

*Judar added Erin, Elia, Lai and Alia to the group chat*

Jafar: SHIT— NO—

Sinbad: Hey kids!

Lai: Yo dad! How life been in bed with mom lately?

Jafar: FUCK—

Alia: Why's mom cursing so much?

Erin: He hates us

Elia: No he doesn't! Why would someone who pushed all 4 of us out of themselves hate... wait... I can actually see why he would.

Atlas: Man, I really missed these kids. How's it going over in Balbadd?

Erin: Alia was almost killed.

Jafar: HE WHAT!?


Sinbad: Who was it? Was it a girl? An assassin?

Lai: Oh-ho, dad, you're actually correct for once, AND she's hot. Alia's taken quite a liking to her.

Sinbad: ah, so Alia's taking after me

Elia: huh?

Sinbad: ... nothing.

Jafar: So... anything else happen on your trip?

Elia: Lai has been learning how to wield fire magoi from Alibaba

Erin: I found this cool book store... Lai burnt it down

Sinbad: I... I'm not paying for that

Lai: I told Alibaba you would

Sinbad: Shit...

Jafar: How's Morgiana and Alibaba been, actually?

Alia: Morgiana is like a really nice mom— not that you're not nice... mom.

Jafar: mhm.

Lai: Alibaba's really cool! He's like the cooler version of dad!

Sinbad: no offense taken...

Lai: I never said no offense

Sinbad: 😭

Erin: Nah, mom and dad are better than them, because they had us go meet them. We have them to thank for meeting Alibaba and Morgiana.

Elia: exactly.

Kams: these kids are brutal—

Atlas: If our kid said any of this, he'd be shot into the sky.

Kams: would I be shooting or you?

Atlas: No— not actually... sigh...

Judar: Well, I think the first night the kids left I heard Sinbad and Jafar um... so I think they were quite happy with the kids gone.

*Jafar muted Judar*


Alia: mom...

Jafar: I said don't listen.

Lai: Oh, we're definitely listening.

*Lai unmuted Judar*

Jafar: LAI

Judar: Jafar was moaning so loudly, I mean, wow, Sinbad must've really been getting into it


Sinbad: oh shit...

Alia: I-...

Lai: Damn

Erin: 0-0

Elia: 0//0

Lai: When I asked earlier about how life was in bed with mom... I didn't mean literally...

Kams: Busted. Kids, this is a regular conversation in this group chat, I'll let you know that


Atlas: Actually, yes. We adults have... a lot to talk about here.

Hakruyuu: Lots.


Hakruyuu: Yes? Is it that much of a surprise?

Alia: ... when we get back from this trip... I'm going to have a word with all of you

Jafar: welp, time to go throw myself back into the pits of hell with my father

Sinbad: Mind if I join you?

Alia: NO. You can't bail. This is something you can't avoid.

Jafar: we can if we run far enough

Alia: Either way I will catch you

Jafar: our dead bodies, yes.

Sinbad: we will go to the extremes to not be interrogated by you.

Lai: Well, Alia can't really talk since he did kinda get turned on when that assassin girl was on top of him...

Jafar: THE FUCK—?

*Alia left the chat*

Sinbad: teenagers.

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