The 4 Idiots Pt.2 (Jasmine simp)

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Private chat with Kams and Sinbad


Sinbad: OI. Kams, you awake?

Kams: who isn't?

Sinbad: good. I have a serious question for you.

Kams: better be good.

Sinbad: you don't... you know, like Jafar, do you?

Kams: wtf. Have you seen me and Jasmine/jasmine_the_emo_rat !? We make it so obvious we're together!

Sinbad: I know, but I just want to check.

Kams: Listen Sinbad

Sinbad: I am

Kams: Jafar is yours. I won't try to steal him, and Jasmine won't steal you away from Jafar. We agreed to that. We might like you guys, but we love your relationship more than our feelings towards you. I love Jazz, and she (hopefully) loves me.

Sinbad: Noted.

Kams: ?

Sinbad: i wanted to see if you're an actual Jasmine simp. I guess you are.

Kams: wtf.

Sinbad: hehe.

Kams: you're fucking dead.

*sinbad is offline*

The 4 idiots group chat


*Sinbad changed Kams's name to Jasmine simp*

Jasmine simp: I hate you.

Jasmine: what is this?

Sinbad: hehe.

*Sinbad changed Jasmine's name to Megumi's mom*

Megumi's mom: I-

Jafar: I hate this group chat

Jasmine simp: I think we all

Jafar: finally something we agree on...

*Judar changed Sinbad's name to idiot king*


Judar: Jafar

Idiot king: JAFAR

Jafar: Thought I'd try to have you commit massive genocide again. Maybe I should... hold up-

Idiot king: NO! DON'T!

*Jafar added David to the chat*

Idiot king: I-

Megumi's mom: Chile- you're becoming worse than Kams

David: Hello~!

Idiot king: fuck off, shithead.

David: is that a nice way to treat your other half?

Idiot king: OTHER HALF!? THAT'S IT!

Jafar: My plan is complete now.

Megumi's mom: um...

Jasmine simp: just go with it.

Megumi's mom: But-

Jasmine simp: JUST. GO. WITH. IT.

Megumi's mom: O-ok!! Jeez chile-

*Private chat with Kams/Jasmine simp and Jasmine/Megumi's mom*


Jasmine simp: should we check up on Jafar and Sinbad?

Megumi's mom: I'm planning a therapy session for both of them.

Jasmine simp: oh? Can I have one. One-on-one? ❤️?

Megumi's mom: I- chile...-

Jasmine simp: 🥺 Plsssss

Megumi's mom: sigh... you probably need therapy too...

Jasmine simp: yay!! Cuddles?

Megumi's mom: okie.

Jasmine simp: 😊

So sorry I haven't been posting lately! 🙏 I will try to get back to posting, but I'm going through some things and school is beating my ass up. I'll keep you all posted on when I plan on updating any books.

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