The 5 idiots Pt. 5 (Hints on my new book/ what is it like to live in 2021?)

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(Minor manga spoiler but It's not too important)

*Sinbad added everyone to the chat*

Jasmine/hibiscusbxbe : I'm genuinely surprised Kams didn't start the chat again.

Kams: I've been sleep deprived so I've been trying to catch up on sleep

Jasmine: Makes sense

Sinbad: What is it like in your time?

Kams: That's a weird question to ask.

Jafar: well, you both don't live in our timeline. You live in 2021, right?

Jasmine: Yea?

Jafar: and you both travel back in time to our timeline to speak with us, correct?

Kams: Ye

Sinbad: So how is 2021?

Kams: Not as bad as 2020 so far, but still horrible

Jasmine: I second that

Judar: What happened in 2020?

Jasmine: sigh...

Kams: Kobe and his daughter died, a virus broke out onto the entire world, we've been stuck in quarantine for months, California started having wildfires, there were killer bees, Black Lives Matter movement (that's not bad, black lives need to be supported but some of the protests went too far) police brutality (somewhat idk?) Asian's getting blamed for the virus, racism everywhere, gay people almost being striped of their rights (like to adopt children- like dude-) Should I go on?

Judar: ...

Jafar: This is enough, thank you

Sinbad: Yes, thank you.

Kams: and now this year there are apparently now zombie deer... the apocalypse is upon us.

Jasmine: Yikes...

Judar: I usually don't feel bad for people, but man, I feel bad for you guys.

Jafar: I second that.

Sinbad: Wait, Jafar you don't feel bad for people— ?

Jafar: I was once an assassin raised to be a killer, of course, unless it's you guys- apart from Judar

Judar: Heeeyyyyyy we were like brothers when we were kids

Jafar: You mean me wanting to kill you every second of the day is called being brothers?

Judar: I once heard that Siblings tend to want to murder each other

Kams: I can confirm that

Jasmine: So can I

Sinbad: you both have Siblings!?

Kams: Yeah. I'm the youngest out of 4 and the only girl

Jasmine: I'm the oldest and I only have a little brother... sigh

Kams: Older siblings really need to be respected more. You guys do a lot for us.

Jasmine: good to know at least one younger sibling knows how hard it is to be an older sibling

Kams: hehe! Anyway, Judar and Jafar... your names sound similar- like you could be brothers

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