Story Plans?

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Jace: So Uli I was wondering what story plans you had?

Ulian: Well umm... not much, actually. I can't say a lot cuz some stuff will spoil stories but the main things I do have planned that I can share for Fall is Beautiful is that season 5 is gonna be kinda short... 3-4 chapters tops. Meanwhile I'd expect season 6 (final season) to be around 7-9 chapters like seasons 1, 2 and 3.

Jace: Oooo what about Sindria High?

Ulian: I've actually got most of the planning for the rest of that story written out. It'll only be a season but a long one at that, with 10-15 chapters from the point I'm writing this.

Sinbad: In the last chapter Pisti said that she was gonna get me and Jafar together. When is that gonna happen?

Jafar: Geez...

Sinbad: What!? I'm curious!

Ulian: Your relationship is gradual and will most likely happen in the upcoming chapters, so most likely not any chapter soon. At this point in the story Jafar has confessed, not verbally but yk, to you but you guys still need to talk about your feelings in a healthy manner. And also get Vittel and Mahad's permission first.

Sinbad: Aw man.

Jafar: 🙄

Judar: Will I be getting an appearance!?

Ulian: Actually, yes! You and Kouen. I can't reveal too much but you'll both be introduced at a party that Sin drags Jafar to. Can't wait to write it. (Oh and Kouen's siblings too)

Judar: Yessss.

Jafar: Why am I getting dragged everywhere??

Sinbad: Because your short legs can't keep up

Jafar: ... why are you like this?

Jace: ANYWAY. Uli, what about any other books? You thinking of continuing some or just starting fresh?

Ulian: Yes and Yes. I am planning on bringing back "High on Life; Next Generations" pretty soon because most of the planning was already done I just needed to write out the script and such. And as for new books... I have two new ones coming up!
The first is, "Weeping Waters" which is a story about vengeance and how to let go. Idk if anyone notices this about my stories but each one has a different set and theme. For Fall is Beautiful it's about trust and betrayal and acceptance. With Sindria High it's about friendship and love and also acceptance.
Anyway, Sinbad is once again going to be the main focus on the book and is a pirate captain who got betrayed by his old crew and is set out to get revenge on them. Jafar is gonna ofc be his love interest and apart of his new crew and is going to teach him how to let go of the past.
The second story is an original: "We are We" is about a young boy named Aren (Air-in) who lives with his mom, dad and two little sisters, Joce (Joe-see) and Marian (Mar-e-an). They moved from Canada to Mexico for his dads work and Aren has to try to make new friends and start a new life. Pretty much an overused trope, but when used well it's such a good story. I haven't done much planning for this one so we'll see when it gets done.

Jace: Wow... that's a lot. Happy Next Generations is coming back! The other 2 stories sound really neat! I can't wait to read them!

Jafar: "Ofc he's gonna be his love interest" Why is it always me!?

Ulian: Seren is his in the other book

Jafar: If you were into incest I'm sure you would've put it

Ulian: it's a good thing I'm not

Sinbad: I am for one really excited to read those books! But can I ask, what does "Weeping Waters" mean?

Ulian: It's a hint to a precious moment between you and Jaffy

Jace: AWWWW. Wait- does all your titles have hints in them?

Ulian: Mostly.

Jace: ... "fall is beautiful"... Sin mentioned something about fall in the last chapter... something's up.

Ulian: I'm not telling

Sinbad: It means probably one of us is gonna die in the fall or something

Jafar: Maybe when one of us dies leaves start falling from the sky in a sign of fall

Jace: ... Uli if this is true-

Ulian: Re-read the entirety of season 1 and focus mainly on the "training lessons" and there's a few hints there. Either way, I'm not letting anymore slip.

*Ulian is offline*

Jace: Welp, time to go read.

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