Sindrian Madness Pt. 2 (what is Yamurhaiha and Sharrkan's ship name?)

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*Kams added Jasmine/ jasmine_the_emo_rat , Yamuraiha, Sharrkan, Jafar, Sinbad, Masur, Alibaba, Aladdin and Ugo to the chat*

Aladdin: Ugo!!!

Ugo: Hey Aladdin.

Jasmine: what is it this time, Kams?

Kams: I want to know... what is Yamurhaiha and Sharrkan's ship name?

Sharrkan: wait... we're shipped together?

Yamuraiha: I'm surprised you didn't know about it, since you're always at the top of the rumors in Sindria.

Sharrkan: shut up.

Kams: seriously, what is their ship name?

Jasmine: good question.

Alibaba: Why are me, Sinbad, Jafar Masur, Aladdin and Ugo in this chat tho?

Kams: because I thought you guys would know. Guess not.

Sinbad: pfft—

Jasmine: sigh... I was wondering where he was.

Sinbad: I have an idea on what we can call them.

Jafar: no. We're not creating a ship name again.

Kams: Oh, wasn't expecting Jafar to actually show up haha! 😆

Jafar: My phone kept on dinging.

Kams: oop, sorry.

Sinbad: YamuShark!

Jafar: wtf.

Jasmine: ...

Kams: 😂 ☠️

Yamuraiha: ?

Sharrkan: Why am I always being referred to as shark?

Alibaba: ...?!

*Alibaba left the chat*

Ugo: I have no reason to be here.

*Ugo left the chat*

Aladdin: I'd like to stay, but i um... I need to go help Morg with something.

*Aladdin left the chat*

*Masur left the chat*

Kams: I forgot Masur was here.

Jasmine: you're the one who added him. Anyway, what the hell is up with that name?

Sinbad: it was all I could come up with!! Give me some slack, okie!?

Jafar: it sounds like you're trying to say, "Walu shark," like the ones infesting the northern globe.

Sinbad: so rude...!!

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