The One Where They Get Their Happy Ending

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It was the night before Jean's wedding and she just couldn't sleep. However, the wedding had little to do with it. It was getting close to midnight and she sat in her kitchen with a cup of tea, running through her vows in her head to distract herself. The next morning, Cissy would do a pregnancy test. Then they would know for sure. The tests she had done the weeks before had been promising, but thanks to the medication and hormones she'd been taking they couldn't be relied on. Funny, how these things coincidened. For both of them, the next day could, no, would be the beginning of the rest of their lives.
"The rest of her life". Jean thought wistfully, she would really spend the rest of her life with Reg. She remembered how the night before her first wedding she'd been pondering about the exact same thought. Back then "the rest of her life" had seemed daunting. Way too long. A threat, not a promise. She'd loved Reg with all her heart and yet she'd been young and stupid, she had felt trapped. Now things were different. Now "the rest of her life" wasn't remotely long enough, nothing ever would be. Jean wanted more. Jean wanted to be with Reg for all eternity. It had taken her long enough to admit it. Yes. She had to admit that even Jean Horton was happier with some company. His company. That she needed someone. And more importantly, that she and Ophelia needed Reg to make their family complete. Were they complete? She didn't know. Pheli was still occasionally pestering them about a little sibling, but Jean knew that right now just wasn't the time. First, Pheli had to... Progress. And it was Cissy's turn to be pregnant now and Jean's turn to be supportive. On the other hand... She longed for a pregnancy with Reggie by her side. It was difficult but she knew that she had time. Knowing that they had time now was her greatest gift.

She heard steps coming from upstairs and soon enough, Reg entered the kitchen.
"Can't sleep?" He asked gently.
"There's a lot going on."
"I know. I called Wilf, he's going half mad but he can't show it." Jean giggled.
"Wild Bond, anxiously hoping to be a father."
"I know. A year ago I wouldn't have believed it. But... Things have changed. For all of us."
"I got you back." Jean kissed his hands. "I thought I would never see you again but..." Reg caressed her cheek.
"Shhh. Remember what Dr. Bridges said. No dwelling on the past after 8 p.m."
"Hmm, I know. And I really shouldn't, we're getting married tomorrow after all."
"I am so excited. My sister and her husband said they will take Pheli home with them and my... Our nephew." Jean blushed a little, knowing full well what this meant.
"That's very kind of them. I hope Ophelia wants to go..." Reg chuckled. He could read his fiancée like an open book.
"She was very excited when I asked her earlier. So I guess that's a yes and we'll have the house to ourselves tomorrow night." Jean sighed.
"I know it's just a small affair tomorrow and that we're having the big party another time but... I would love to have a first dance as husband and wife with you. Somehow, if it's possible."
"I'll make it happen. Don't you worry." Jean finished her tea and stood up.
"Let's go to bed. It's late and tomorrow is going to be a long day."
"You're right. And..."
"I know you are worried about what will happen with Cissy. But I promise that everything will be okay one way or another. We'll all be fine. The four of us."

They walked upstairs together, checking on Pheli on their way. She was sleeping soundly, which was a relief. Ophelia had been plagued by nightmares ever since the accident, but that night seemed to be a good night. Jean looked at her with a look that only mothers have, so full of love and admiration for her daughter. Ophelia's hair covered the pillow, her face was relaxed and her mouth a little open. She was breathing steadily, something Jean didn't take for granted anymore. Reg squeezed her hand a little tighter, as if he knew what was going throughher mind.
"And to think I almost lost out on this. I... I don't understand how it's so easy for some parents to leave their children behind. I could never..." He whispered and gently moved a strand of hair out of Ophelia's face.
"I know. And she knows. She loves her Dad so much, she's becoming Daddy's girl more and more with each passing day."
"She will always be my little girl. For as long as I live." They stood there for a little longer, until they were satisfied that Pheli was really having a good night and that the bad dreams wouldn't frighten her.

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