Happy News for Cissy

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A few days after Miss Bloom's departure, Jean was home alone and realized it was the perfect time to give Wilf a call. Cissy had mentioned a few times that she didn't like the current situation and Jean wanted to help her friend out. She usually didn't meddle in other people's affairs, but she felt that this time, it was necessary. These two were just too stubborn and she had a good enough relationship to Wilf so he would probably listen to her. And maybe, just maybe, she would hear some more tidbits about Reg. Jean shook her head. This was utterly pathetic, she was behaving like a teenager. Anyway, this wasn't about her or Reginald, this was about her friend's happiness. One deep breath and she dialled his number, praying that he was home. And her prayers were answered.
"Wilf Bond, how can I help?" he hadn't expected a call at this time of day, it was lucky that he was awake.
"Wilf, this is Jean. Jean Horton. Remember me?" she was ridiculously nervous but this was her ex-husband's best friend, she was on foreign territory.
"Jean Horton, of course. What brings me the misfortune of hearing from the woman who cheated on my best friend" he teased her. Wilf was mad on his friend's behalf but as he was no angel himself, he really couldn't judge her too harshly, things weren't always black and white.
"Wilf, look, it's not about him or me and just for the record, that was the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it every day and will do so for the rest of my life." Her voice trembled more than she had intended to. Jean knew he was joking but it was just... a lot. Wilf was surprised and honestly even a little shocked to hear how it affected her. No more ice queen, instead Jean was just as much a human being.
"Jean, I am sorry I brought it up, I thought it would be funny. You really miss him, do you?" His voice was gentle and almost soothing now, he didn't want to make her cry.
"It's fine, I deserve it. I have thrown away the best relationship I ever had. Which by the way leads us to the reason I am calling." She caught herself again and reminded herself of the reason she was calling.
"Oh?" Wilf was intrigued. He couldn't help it. Was there any gossip he'd missed?
"I talked to Cissy." Jean didn't have to say any more. Her name was enough to get all his attention because under his elaborate act of being a flirt and the eternal bachelor, he was in love with Cissy and had been for years. It was just very, very difficult to admit. He didn't feel like he had to hide his excitement with Jean though.
"Cissy? How is she? Did she mention me? It's so warm and sunny at the moment, does she have these cute freckles on her nose yet?" These freckles were his favourite feature of hers, nobody ever seemed to notice them but to Wilf they were more beautiful than a clear night sky full of stars.
Jean couldn't help but laugh softly. He was impossible. "She's fine and yes, she told me about your latest encounter. No idea about the freckles, but I can check next time I see her."
"She once again rejected my proposal, my life is meaningless." Wilf slipped back into his little act of joke proposals and being above it all. He just wanted to save face. This was enough to make Jean snap, at least a little. This was the time to finally be serious.
"Wilf, for god's sake, pull yourself together. Are you serious about Cissy?" she sounded exasperated and it seemed to have an effect on him.
Silence. "I am." He finally admitted. His voice had lost its volume and over the top feel. No more jokes, no more pretending. He quietly continued to speak. "Jean, she's perfect. I couldn't admit it for a while, but... Yes. For the first time in my life I am serious. About her and everything and I wish I could tell her but you know how it is and I don't know if she...."
"Then let me give you some advice, you terrible doofus." Jean interrupted his rambling. He needed to get his act together. "Cissy is in love with you." Again, stunned silence on the other end of the line for what felt like an eternity.
"So why does she keep rejecting me?" Wilf asked quietly, it was a question that actually kept him up at night. Jean sighed, she really had to spell out everything for him.
"Because she doesn't think you are serious. She has been hurt in the past. You have to prove to her that this is more than just one of your jokes." It felt like talking to a five-year old, but this was a lot to take in after all.
"I'll drive to her place then." Wilf proclaimed with a melodramatic flair to it.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, besides, she's mostly at my place at the moment, we have some.... projects to finish." He really didn't need to know Cissy helped her look after Ophelia now that the nanny was gone. "But... Why don't you publicly end whatever affair you currently have and send her a letter? You can think about everything you want to say and paper is very patient." Jean also knew that Cissy loved love letters, so this was the perfect opportunity. Wilf sighed.
"Jean, do you want to know the truth? Half of these alleged affairs aren't even real. I don't deny them because maybe... in some twisted way, it would get her attention and make her realise that she wants me." He sounded sheepish.
"Wow, you're just as much of an idiot as I am." Jean couldn't help but notice.
They both laughed. Then silence. Then Wilf cleared his throat.
"I am not supposed to tell you that but after what you did for me... anyway, Reg is not over you. He would never admit it publicly but he told me. And just a few days ago he ended things with that girl he was seeing. Well, she ended it because he kept calling her by your name." He knew that Reg would kill him if he knew but Jean had done a lot for him and maybe there was a happy end in the cards for all of them.
"Wilf, if this is another one of your jokes..." Jean couldn't quite believe her ears. If he was playing with her...
"I am serious. I don't joke about these things and... yeah. Do with that information what you will, but I didn't tell you. Anyway, I have to go but thanks again, I promise I won't mess up again."
The line went dead and Jean sat down on the floor. Reg still had feelings for her. She was shaking. She felt tears sting in her eyes. Reggie. Oh dear lord. This changed everything and she didn't really know what to feel, so she decided to let the dust settle for now. Then, and only then, she would start thinking about a course of action, because this needed proper planning.

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