Entry Eighteen

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The one good thing about the stupid football game was that I might've seen Clarissa there. If I was lucky. I drove myself. It has been nice having my license. I have been driving myself to school lately. I’m lucky my parents had a third car lying around. Well, I had to fix it up a little, but my dad helped. Well, really I helped my dad.

I walked into the erupting stadium and stood in the back, praying no one saw me. Even if they did, they wouldn’t recognize me. I had no idea what one did at a football game or what number Mason was. The entire affair seemed very mundane to me. Kids were literally chasing one another for some dumb ball and tackling and hurting each other for it. No wonder we live in a world full of violence and war.

When it had finally ended (a bajillion hours later, mind you) I left as quickly as possible. It had appeared we won since everyone was cheering crazily. I had seen Clarissa in the stands. She was grossly kissing some pig-like creature who sat next to her in math class. He resembled the girlish looks of a boy band member. 

Before a tear could fall, I got in my car and started it. My hands were shaking and I had no idea why. It’s not like I knew Clarissa. We had barely ever spoken before in my life. But still, she was my first, and only, crush. I had dreamt up a fantasy. I somehow believed that the two of us could ever be together.

I’m not sure if it was being shaken up after seeing Clarissa (I really hope it wasn’t because that would be embarrassing) or because the other drive didn’t know how to drive, but something caused the accident. Something caused the most pain I had ever felt to come crashing into me like water pounded the rocks on the New Hampshire shore. Something caused the deafening sound of one thousand sirens in my ears. Something caused the tangible darkness that pursued. 

Thomas Hickory

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