Entry Seven

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Headaches. Migraines. Deadlines. Emotions. Manners. Censorship. Memories. Forgetfulness. Friends. Enemies. Family. Alliances. Stereotypes. Homework. A’s and B’s. A’s and F’s. Teachers. Driver’s Ed. Life. Love. Happiness. Breath. Air. Oxygen. Sleep deprivation. Headaches.

There is a constant pounding in my head that is far greater than any earthquake, any tornado, hurricane. My head feels as if someone has taken a chisel and is determined to reach the core. The pain. My eyes, my skin. It itches. Everything itches. But my head. Oh, the pain.

Between the homework and its deadline. The manners I must use because no one else understands my pain. No one else will allow me, for just one second, to be angry. To be in pain. Fake smiles. That is how you get through life. Fake smiles. Other people don’t care if you are in pain. They only care if they are in pain. If you say mean things, then they are in pain and they don’t care what they say back because you were mean first. Fake smiles. Be nice. Be nice to everyone and to no one. Be gentle.


Thomas Hickory

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