6. That Awkward Moment When You Masturbate To Someone Else Masturbating

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A/N: I'm so good at thinking of titles, thank you.

Gerard didn't know what to do about the painfully obvious moan coming from the boy down the hallway. Quite honestly, he didn't know what he could do.

But there was something that he knew.

The sounds had made him hard.

Ray and Mikey were still downstairs. They probably would be for awhile.

*smut warning, basically Gee is just gonna get off*

He heard another shaky moan coming from the bathroom, and without thinking, his hand found its way to his pants. As he listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom, he began palming himself slowly, through his jeans. He had to stop himself from letting out any noise. If Frank heard, he would be extremely embarrassed.

So he moved his other hand and covered his mouth with it, and continued at the same slow pace.

He bit down hard on his palm when Frank let out a particularly beautiful sounding moan, and he had to practically stop himself from screaming out something.

He didn't know why Frank was turning him on this much. He never thought of Frank in that way, and yet, after hearing him make all those noises... it seemed oddly attractive. Then a gigantic realization hit him all at once. He had been questioning how he felt towards Frank for awhile, and well, it was pretty much clear how he felt now.

His mind flashed with images of Frank underneath him, sweating and saying his name. When Frank actually made more noises, Gerard unzipped his pants and grabbed his dick desperately. He knew he would have to get off quick, because it was a matter of time before Frank would come back, or even worse, someone else would walk in.

He got lost in the noises as he pumped himself, eventually pulling the bed sheets over him to cover his body, and biting down on them to muffle the noises escaping his mouth.

With every passing second, he was nearing closer and closer to the edge. At this point, he wasn't as much focused on the sounds Frank was making. They were just sort of background noise. He was much more focused on the mental image he had created in his mind.

And within seconds, he came into his hand and bit down so hard on the bedsheets he thought he might tear them up.

Frank's moaning had come to a stop and Gerard knew he would have to clean up quick, before Frank came back. He silently praised himself for leaving a box of tissues on the bedside table. He grabbed a handful of them and wiped himself off, throwing them into a can in the corner of his bedroom. He zipped up his pants and finally got his phone back out, resuming what he was doing on it previously.

In the other room, Frank was coming down from his high, having just jerked himself off because of images of fucking Gerard Way. Or getting fucked by Gerard Way. He was fine with either.

He was also thankful that he could suppress his moans with his other hand, which hopefully meant that no one had heard him.

He flushed the toilet and washed his hands, taking a towel to dry them off. After that, he left the bathroom and went back to Gerard's room. Gerard was laying under the blankets of his bed now. "Get cold?" He asked, obliviously.

Gerard looked up awkwardly to respond. "Oh- yeah. The AC kicks in at the most random times." Frank nodded and went to sit down on Mikey's bed.

Gerard couldn't be more conflicted. Just the other day he had been wondering how he felt about Frank, and how fast a crush could develop. That thing right there... that was obviously sexual attraction. And there went that confusing thing about the different types of attractions again.

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