5. Zephyr (Fly Away)

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A/N: ...Fly away on my Zephyr... lol I'm sorry I had to say that.

When Frank woke up, he was disappointed that Gerard wasn't hugging him anymore. Of course, how could he expect him to? Frank acted like a fucking monkey in his sleep, moving around all the fucking time.

He opened his eyes slightly, seeing that Gerard was still fast asleep. He decided to try something. There were always those little fantasies he had that one day if he met the right person they would hug him subconsciously in their sleep.

He scooted closer to Gerard and hesitantly rested his head against his chest. He kept his eyes closed so that it would seem like a careless mistake, like he was still sleeping. You know what that fucker did?

He fucking rolled away, and he took the blankets with him.

Frank wasn't hurt or anything since he knew Gerard was still sleeping, but he was a slight bit disappointed that he didn't get the chance to cuddle with him. Even for a second, just to pretend like they had something, even though they didn't. He was also now shivering because Gerard just had to be one of those people that stole the covers in their sleep.

But, he was determined. He had another plan. Carefully, he scooted over to where Gerard was laying again, and he pressed himself against his back. To Frank's joy, Gerard turned back around and allowed Frank to get back under the blankets again. Frank wasted no time getting back under them, snuggling against Gerard again.

This time something happened.

Gerard had draped his arm over Frank and pulled him closer to his chest, wrapping both arms around the smaller boy's waist. Frank looked up to see if Gerard was still sleeping. He was.

Frank smiled and tried falling back asleep, content with the morning, and wanting to waste it away.

Gerard opened his eyes to see that Frank was snuggled against his chest. He blushed at the situation, trying carefully to remove his arms from the other boy without waking him up. He scooted back a little, trying to put some distance between the two, but it was no use as Frank whimpered before going back to snuggling against Gerard.

Gerard sighed, just giving up and putting his arm back around Frank. It's not that he minded Frank being that close to him, but he was worried that the other boy would wake up and feel awkward.

Gerard still didn't know what to do about his feelings.

He didn't know in what way he liked Frank. Right now he figured, maybe just platonically, but maybe that would change. With the way things were going right then, being exposed to all this physical contact might just make him fall for Frank anyway.

Shut up Gerard, his mind told him. You don't need to get another crush okay, you're better off on your own.

It might have been the fact that Gerard was afraid of commitment, but it also could have been that the only boyfriend he ever had drained him of his feelings and left him out to dry. Quite plainly, he used him.

Even though Gerard wouldn't deem Frank as the "manipulative and toxic boyfriend" type, he couldn't help but build up walls and boundaries for himself. They were there for a reason. It was all sneaky disguises and fake sweet kisses until you got a glimpse of who your so called 'lover' actually was. And Gerard's ex boyfriend was a piece of shit.

He was so shitty that Gerard wouldn't even allow the chance for his name to be uttered from his mouth ever again. The name was like a dirty taste that lingered on your tongue, but there was no possible way to get rid of it. Occasionally it would come back. It was moments like those that Gerard would feel hopeless and start to question everything he had ever done.

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