2. Aviary (Home)

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When Gerard got home that day, he immediately went to his room and laid down on the bed, just tired of it all. Soon his brother Mikey walked in and sat down on the edge of my bed looking at him. "Why are you late, Gee? Aviation lessons finished an hour ago."

He sighed before responding. "It's a long story, Mikes. Are you sure you want to hear about it?" Mikey eagerly nodded and gave Gerard a reassuring smile, so Gerard guessed that he had no choice but to recall all the catastrophic events that just happened.

"I don't care how long the story is, I'm just curious. You're like never late. Especially when you know that mom is cooking dinner." Gerard couldn't deny that. Whenever his mom cooked dinner, it ended up turning out to be one of the best things ever. He made sure to always get home on time, just to make sure he could enjoy the scent of the house before it was ready.

"Alright well make yourself comfortable then," he said before sitting up and across from Mikey, the two of them facing each other like it was a story time of some sort. "So basically, the instructor let us go into the forest to practice flying, right?" Mikey nodded. "So I did, and then I found my friend Frank flying through the forest so I decided to fly beside him-"

"Wait," Mikey said. "Frank? You've never mentioned a Frank before, and I mostly have heard about all your friends... unless I just forgot about him."

"No this is a pretty recent friend," Gerard replied. "We just started talking today actually and I decided to make friends with him, but anyway, that's besides the point. So we were flying and eventually I stopped because I found a hummingbird, so we were looking at it and shit until it flew away and Frank realized there was a gryphon stalking us." Mikey gasped at that, having never encountered a gryphon before, but it definitely seemed scary to him.

"Go on."

"We flew and flew until we reached a cave, and there was a dead end, so we had to hide. Luckily I was able to cover me and Frank with my wings because they blended in with the darkness, and the gryphon walked right past us. We were able to escape and we headed back to the school building, and here I am now." Mikey smiled at his brother in adoration for being able to outrun something as fast and strong as a gryphon.

"Wow Gerard that sounds... amazing. I'm glad you're okay. That must have been terrifying."

"It was, but I'm okay now." Soon their conversation was interrupted by the sound of their mom calling from downstairs to say that dinner was ready. Gerard immediately hopped out of bed and ran downstairs.


Mikey knew he shouldn't have been looking through his brother's journal, but he did it anyway. Gerard had went out on a walk after dinner, and he wouldn't be back for awhile. It was just so strange that he had never heard of Frank before, and he found it hard to believe that Gerard had met him just today. Gerard never approached people so easily, much less decided to go on strolls (or rather flights) with them the day of.

He flipped through the pages, skimming the words in hopes of finding the name 'Frank' somewhere. Well, he was hoping to get information, but he was also hoping that his brother hadn't lied to him. But maybe if he had a good reason for lying, he would let it slide.

Finally he found one of the pages he had written in August, which was the month that school had started. Countless pages had already been filled in after that, and you'd be idiotic to think that there was a chance that Mikey Way wouldn't snoop through all the pages of his brother's journal. 

He began reading the page he stumbled upon. "It's the first day of school today. My first period is Chemistry Class. There's a boy in the class named Frank..." and the contents of that page had Mikey super intrigued. So maybe Gerard hadn't lied after all, but he definitely knew about Frank before he started talking to him. The page mentioned a bunch of things about the color scheme of Frank's wings, and how Gerard wished he had them, but that was pretty much the extent of it.

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