9. A Dance Til the Darkness Comes

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Ok guys here's where stuff might be starting to get just a tad bit spicy and that's a really good thing in our case because this has been a kind of slow burn so far.

The last two weeks had passed unbelievably fast, and it was now the day of the dance. Kids were hectic in the school hallways, trying to fit in their last minute proposals so they could actually have a date to go with. As for Frank and Gerard, they didn't have anyone to go with, so that left the question if one of them would man up and ask the other one out.

When the last bell had dismissed for the day, it became apparent that neither of the two were going to ask the other to the dance. Fucking chickens.

But, maybe they still had time. After all, they had to stay after school anyway to help set up for the dance because of Aviation Club. They could probably ask each other to the dance then, but, knowing the writing style of the author, neither of them will grow the balls to do it anyway.

But anyway, back to the point.

Frank was just standing idly by, not really knowing how to make himself useful. He was the one who thought of the idea after all, so he thought maybe that gave him a reason not to do anything else. He settled for staring at Gerard, who was currently hanging up streamers. This gave Frank a very nice view of Gerard's ass, and that was a deal that seemed pretty sweet to him.

He was only interrupted in his sight-seeing when he heard a wolf-whistle right beside him, and he turned his head to see none other than Pete Wentz, whose eyebrow was cocked up knowingly. "Seems like you found yourself a pretty good view, huh?" He asked, smugly.

"Oh fuck off," Frank rolled his eyes, flipping Pete off in the process.

"Nah dude it's fine, after all Gerard is a pretty attractive dude. I don't blame you. Just try not to make it too obvious, eh? Make it look like you're zoned out or something, not like you're searching after a prize," he finished, smirking.

Frank groaned, realizing he probably looked like a pervert that entire time. "Whatever. Sure." It's not that he was mad with Pete, he was just annoyed how obvious it was that he was infatuated with Gerard.

Gerard had finished setting up streamers, and he turned around and met Frank's eyes. He smiled widely and raised his hand up, waving to Frank. Frank blushed and waved back shyly, doing his best to put on a somewhat presentable smile.

"Awwwwww you guys are in love!" Pete teased, although he was being serious for the most part. "Look at the way you just gazed into each other's eyes. It's painfully obvious. Frank, how do you not see that you're literally Gerard's world?"

"Because I'm not," Frank protested, turning to face Pete. "I mean- it sounds ridiculous. How could someone who looks that amazing possibly like someone like me?" He asked, motioning towards himself.

"Don't think about logic, idiot. Love doesn't go based on logic. Think about all the times he's talked with you or hung out with you or looked you straight in the eyes. Doesn't that show for something?" Pete pressed his lips together, waiting for an answer.

To be completely honest, Frank really didn't have one. Well, not a good one at least. But no matter what, he just couldn't bring himself to believe such a thing. It didn't make any sense in his mind. "Friends do that too," he decided. "It's probably just platonic."

Pete groaned, annoyed. When he saw Gerard walking their way, he turned to Frank one last time. "Now he's coming over here. You may not think it, but really pay attention. Really dig on it, okay? You'll see."

Frank furrowed his eyebrows before nodding, just to get Pete off his back.

"Hey guys!" Gerard said happily when he approached them. "What are you doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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