3. Unicorns and Pokémon

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The next day at school, Frank was excited to see Gerard again. Now that he was finally acquainted with him and able to talk to him, that was all he wanted to do. However, he was rather upset to walk into chemistry that day and see that Gerard was talking to someone else. A particular Pete Wentz, whom Frank didn't know very well, but he knew who he was.

When Gerard saw Frank walk into the room, he smiled towards him, waving his hand to invite him over to where him and Pete were sitting. Frank smiled shyly and went over there, taking a seat at a desk beside them. "Hi Frank. This is Pete. Not sure if you've met him before."

He spoke softly, not really liking to come into the presence of unfamiliar people. He much rather preferred staying as he was, and he really hoped that becoming friends with Gerard wouldn't automatically involve him having to talk to every one of his friends. "Hi Pete." He noticed that Pete had the wings of a bluejay, which was pretty rare and quite nice to look at.

They were smaller than Gerard and Frank's wings, being that they belonged to a smaller bird. That was pretty unique. "Hi Frank. I don't believe we've met before, though I've definitely heard about you in the past." He put his hand out, and Frank took it in his own to shake his hand.

After all the introduction stuff was out of the way, Pete and Gerard went back to talking. Frank would be lying if he didn't say that he felt left out. He could tell that Pete and Gerard were already close friends, and he didn't quite know how to feel about that. He observed the way that Gerard talked, how his hands made movements when he was explaining something, how his lower lip tilted to the side when he was speaking, and everything else.

Pete started to notice that Frank wasn't doing much in terms of conversation, and that's when he saw the way that Frank was looking at Gerard. He had a little gleam in his eyes that sparked admiration. Pete knew by then that something else was definitely going on, and it was funny to him how Gerard was completely oblivious to Frank's actions.

"So as I was saying," Gerard continued, snapping Frank out of his gaze. "I was planning on inviting Pete over to my house after school today. Do you want to come Frank?" Frank was taken aback by the fact that he was actually being invited to someone's house. As much as he enjoyed the offer, he didn't really want to be sitting in the corner of the room (probably losing his religion) while Gerard and Pete had the time of their lives chatting it up.

Unfortunately for him, that little hopeful look in Gerard's eyes was something he couldn't say no to, and he had no choice but to oblige. "Oh, I guess I could come along. I'll have to ask my dad first though." Gerard nodded excitedly, and Frank thought to himself how miserable he might be if the night goes south. As long as Gerard was happy though, that made it all worth it.

"Frank is that something on your wings?" Pete asked curiously, touching the back of Frank's wings and looking at them closely.

"What? Where?" Frank tried to maneuver himself to where he could see whatever was on his wings, but it was to no avail. He wouldn't be able to see it, and all he had was to hope for Pete to get it off his wings.

"Oh it's no use trying to find it in this light, we'll have to go to the mirror. We'll be back soon Gerard!" And then Pete grabbed Frank's arm and practically dragged him to the bathroom. No, there wasn't anything on Frank's wings. Pete just wanted to make an excuse to talk to him in private, and thankfully, no one else happened to be in the bathroom when they got there.

"Uh- what's this about? Did I do something wrong?" Frank was really confused to say the least. He didn't really know what to expect from Pete Wentz. As far as he knew, Pete would only ever bring people into the bathroom to give them blowjobs, and while that might flatter him, he wasn't interested in Pete in that way.

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