1. Bird Watching

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A/N: You guys have no idea how excited I am to be writing this story.

It all started with a singular black feather laying in the center of an empty subway.

He knew that feather from anywhere. The color, the texture, the shade, it was all instantly recognizable. That was one of Gerard Way's feathers, and he was the one with the undeniably pitch black crow wings. The ones that Frank admired.

Of course, Frank would never admit to spending countless hours staring at Gerard Way in the classroom. It's not like he did that at all, why would you think that?

Even if he did spend hours staring at Gerard Way in the classroom, it's not abnormal for a man to want to admire another man's wings. He just had simply nice wings. That's the only reason Frank would be looking from behind him. It's totally not like the guy had a nice ass or anything.

Right now he was just playing with the feather in his hands. It meant that Gerard had ridden this train before, which made Frank's heart beat faster. What if one day they would sit together on the train?

They could sit right beside each other, holding hands, sitting close to keep warm during a cold winter day. But no, that wouldn't happen. That was a gay thought, and Frank wasn't gay.

As Frank walked off of the train with the black feather still in his hand, that's what he tried to convince himself of. Another day at school, and Frank would have to keep his mind straight. Haha get it because- never mind.

He shoved the feather in his pocket before walking into the school building. He silently prayed that it wouldn't fall out when he was trying to fly. Today was Frank's first aviation lesson after school, just the same as all the other juniors.

The reason they had never had the class before was because it took 16 years for their wings to fully develop. Trying to fly underage would have been very dangerous, so therefore they all started learning at the same age. It was also required for the school to teach them, but the school didn't want to make a separate class for it, so they just had after school lessons.

The lessons were happening to take place at the outdoor courtyard, where they would have a lot of space to take off. But before that, Frank had to go to all his classes for the day.

As he was walking down the hallway, he couldn't help but realize how lucky he must have been to stumble across that feather. I mean, it wasn't unlikely for people to lose their feathers per say. They could get caught on something, or just fall off if you got itchy and scratched your wings too hard. But out of all feathers he could've found on the public transmit, he found Gerard's.

Many people would question Frank as to just assume it was Gerard's, but Frank knew better. He was one of the only purebred with crow wings, and his stood out more than anyone else's. (Keep in mind, Frank hated the term 'purebred' or anything that involved 'breeding' for people, just because it seemed like it dehumanized them, even though technically it was just the correct terms.) His wings had more of a blue tint than anyone else's. The feathers were also softer, which was a sign that he took good care of them.

And as Frank walked into his chemistry classroom and spotted Gerard sitting in the corner, he realized just how attracted to this man he was. Fuck, he thought, maybe I am gay. That wasn't a secret to anyone except Frank himself.

To Frank's horror, Gerard looked up and noticed Frank staring at him. He just smiled politely and waved at Frank, and Frank nervously waved back. Gerard had always been nice, of course he wouldn't be mad at Frank for staring.

Frank sat down at his desk and faced the front of the classroom, putting his chin on the desk and folding his arms to hide his obvious blush. That was probably the first time Gerard had ever interacted with him. Sure, it was a simple and small gesture, but it made Frank feel on top of the world.

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