7. A Tale of Two Franks

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A/N: Yes, I did actually take the time into making that picture for you guys.

*trigger warning: brief hint towards self harm*

When Frank got home, his dad immediately started interrogating him with questions.

"Did you kiss him? Oh my god did you have sex? Did you-"

"Dad, for the love of god, please stop!" Frank groaned and shut the front door behind himself. His dad was way too excited and nosy for his own good.

"Sorry son, you know I'm just excited. I mean- you haven't dated anyone before! And you like him! Oh god I want to meet him. Can he come over?" Frank's dad had a look of pure ecstasy on his face when asking all these questions, something that was far too beyond Frank.

"I literally just spent the weekend with him, I think he's had enough of me for one time," Frank laughed. But there was a little bit of truth in the fact that he was scared Gerard would get tired of him.

"Well then lets invite him next week, that ought to give him enough time away. Oh boy this is so exciting!"

Frank groaned before retreating to his room, and reaching into his pocket to get his phone out. That's when he realized he didn't have his phone. Fuck, he thought. I left it at Gerard's house.

Luckily he still had the note Gerard gave him with his phone number. He got it out and went to the landline phone that his dad still kept around. Frank didn't know why he didn't get rid of the thing, but now it was finally coming in handy.

Frank dialed the phone number and called, hoping that Gerard would pick up even though it was an unknown number.

After a few rings, he actually did. "Hello?"

"Oh hi Gerard, um, it's Frank. I left my phone at your house I think."

"Oh yeah! I realized that. I can come by your place and bring it to you if you want." Frank smiled at the suggestion but then remembered just why that might not be the best idea.

"Well uh- the thing is- my dad really wants to meet you and I don't want him to pull you into our house once you get here. Y'know, that might put you in an uncomfortable situation."

"Oh really?" He giggled, and Frank fucking died at the sound. "I mean, I don't mind, honestly. I'll come over anyway if that's alright."

"Yeah it's fine I just- he can be a little odd at times," Frank chuckled. "But if you don't mind then I don't either."

"Okay, just tell me your address and I'll be there as soon as I can."

Frank recited his address and Gerard wrote it down so he wouldn't forget. After that, they hung up, and now Frank just had to go inform his dad on how not to behave around new friends.

He walked into the living room and found his dad on the couch, reading some sports section in the Jersey news paper. "Hey dad?"

"Yeah son?" He looked up from his paper, setting the old paper on the coffee table.

"Gerard is coming over because I accidentally left my phone at his house. Please, please, please don't embarrass me."

"Oh really?!" The older Frank immediately stood up from the couch and hurried to the kitchen, the younger simply rolling his eyes and following behind him. "I haven't had any time to prepare! I have to cook dinner!"

"Dad he might not even want to stay for dinner."

"Nonsense, he will once he gets a whiff of this." Frank Senior pulled out a packet of spaghetti noodles, being the most Italian person on the planet.

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