8. Pete Wentz Likes to Flirt with Mikey Way in Somewhat Subtlety

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This is a filler chapter, I'm very sorry, but I need a way to connect the plot.

School on Monday was starting off hectic, because more flight lessons were on the way, and everyone was excited.

However, Frank was currently in his class about creatures and beasts, so not much excitement was to be had there. It had been the third time that he had to listen through a lecture about dragons this month, and he was starting to get tired of it.

Gerard wasn't in this class with him, which was pretty sad. In fact, no one he knew was in this class with him, so it really bummed him out.

Come to think of it... Pete was supposed to be in this class, so he had no idea where the boy was currently.


"How often do you come out here?" Mikey Way asked a smug Pete Wentz, who happened to be leaning against the outer wall of the school.

"Oh just occasionally. Whenever I'm feeling down or I don't wanna go to a certain class."

Mikey nodded and looked down, biting his lip from nervousness. He didn't usually skip classes, and when he did, it was the ones that weren't necessary to get an education. Like gym and stuff.

"You look nervous. Why?" Pete asked, catching on to his anxious behavior.

Mikey simply shrugged, messing with his hands and fidgeting with them, until he felt Pete's hand take one of them away. He blushed profusely and tried to look away to hide it, but to no avail as Pete used his other hand to make Mikey face him.

"Mikey your hands are shaking- and you're really pale- are you alright?" Pete simply clutched onto Mikey's hand, looking into his eyes with concern.

"No, yeah, I'm fine- I'm just..." he struggled to get the words out, stuttering in the process. "I- I don't know."

"You don't have to be shy around me, y'know." Pete assured, stroking Mikey's cheek softly with his thumb. Instinctively, Mikey leaned into the touch, and Pete smiled softly at the other boy.

"I know, I'm just not used to much attention, except from Ray, and he hardly comes round." He glanced down at his and Pete's still interlocked hands, and he was very self conscious about the sweat covering his palms. "My hands are clammy, I'm sorry-"

"Hey I don't mind, so are mine," Pete giggled. "Anyway, I'd be happy to give you lots of attention if you want it, Mikey."

"Oh that's great Pete, really, but I don't wanna take you away from your own friends-"

"Nonsense," Pete cut him off, lifting Mikey's hand up and kissing the back of it before putting it back down. Mikey sucked in his breath all at once, very noticeably too. "I consider you a friend Mikey, and I like to give my friends affection, so therefore you are now a receiver of affection from the one and only Pete Wentz."

"Oh-" Mikey managed to choke out, shooting an awkward smile in Pete's direction. Little to his knowledge, Pete found his shyness and awkwardness quite adorable.

"I think this period will be ending soon. We both have art together," Pete smiled. "Let's go inside."

"Yeah, okay," Mikey responded. He expected Pete to drop his hand and allow them to start walking, but instead Pete kept his hand clung around Mikey's and pulled him along into the building.

Mikey was worried about people staring, but he tried to not focus on his racing thoughts and instead focus on the warmth he felt from Pete touching him.

When they got to art, they were the first ones to be in the class, and Pete led them to the back of the room so they could sit next to each other. He held Mikey's hand under the table, still noticing his state.

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