Chapter 2 - My Baby Girl

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Daryl's POV

------*6 months into pregnancy*--------

It's need 6 months since that crazy bitch got pregnant.

She hasn't done any type of drugs or alcohol while I'm around, I just pray she doesn't when I'm not.

It's been a long 6 months and this girl has took advantage of it too... She makes me buy her all sorts of stuff.

I just hope the next 3 months go by fast.. I can't wait to hold my baby girl.

We found out the sex 2 months ago... I was happy when I found out it was a girl.. although I'm not sure what I'll do with her... maybe I'll get lucky and she'll like to hunt and fish... Hell i dont know how all this works.

Merle won't let go of the fact I'm going to be a dad..

We got into a huge fight the night I told him Debra was pregnant. He told me I should've let her get an a abortion and I blew up on him.

Once he came to his senses something must of hit em or somethin, because he's now quit drugs and is slowing down on drinking so much.

He told me he was gonna be the worlds best uncle. That makes me feel a little better knowing at the end of the day, my brother supports this.

I just hope I'm going to be a good dad.

-------*8 months into pregnancy*-----

Everything in my life is pretty good right now.. except for the hormonal woman that has been living with me.

I just keep telling myself I only have 1 1/2 more months till I get to finally hold my baby girl and that helps me get through it.

Normally nothing would make me this soft or caring... but something about the idea of someone looking up to me, and loving me no matter what happens, someone who will always be there to make me smile.. It just did something to me.

But don't think just because I'm saying this means I'm now all mushy and shit to everyone else...nope the only person I talk to is Merle and a couple of pals from work.

I hardly talk to Debra.. In fact she only talks to me when she needs something.

She's still mad at me for making her keep the baby.

I honestly don't care what she thinks... just as long as I get my baby girl.

I've been thinking of names lately.

I've narrowed it down to 4.

Peyton, Emery, Gracie, and Emily.

For the middle name I chose Nichole.

Peyton Nichole Dixon
Emery Nichole Dixon
Gracie Nichole Dixon
Emily Nichole Dixon

Man it's so hard to choose. I've gave it a lot of thought.

My bosses wife told me it will come to me when I hold her so I hope that's true.

-----------*9 months/ birth*-----------

Today is the day..

June 9th, 1998, the best day of my life.

I'm currently rushing to the hospital with a very loud woman screaming in my ear.

"Hurry up!!" She yells in pain.

"I'm tryin' woman!!" I yell at her "believe me I'm trying" I whisper to myself.

I told Merle we were goin to the hospital and he said he was going up there after work.

I can't wait till I finally get to meet my little girl.

--------- *several hours later* ---------

Im sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair bouncing my leg up and down nervously.

Debra made me wait in the waiting room until after she gave birth.

Which after several moments of arguing, i reluctantly agreed.

It's been a couple hours and I want nothing more to hold my baby girl.

"Daryl?" A nurse with a clipboard asks standing in the doorway.

My legs shoot straight up and I walk quickly and follow her.

My heart is pounding and I can't believe, after 9 agonizing months, I get to meet my baby.

When I walk into the room, I see Debra holding my little girl and smiling. I look at her confused and she looks up at me.

"She's so perfect" Debra whispers looking down at the baby.

"Can I hold her?" I ask eagerly.

She nods and hands her to me and wipes a tear from her eye.

I crouch down as she passes the tiny girl into my arms.

Once I'm sure she's secure I stand back up to my full height.

"Hey baby girl" I whisper as she grasps my finger with her hand.

She's so beautiful... my baby girl.

I start gently rocking her and bouncing her as she sleeps, her grip still strongly holds my finger.

I feel something on my cheek and I use my shoulder to get it off.

I look down at my shoulder to see it slightly damp. I smile even more.

I look back down at my beautiful creation. And as my bosses wife said... it came to me.

Peyton Nichole Dixon.

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}Where stories live. Discover now