Daryl's POV
"Just wake up dammit!" I yell out of frustration. It's been 2 weeks since Peyton's been in a coma. Each day it gets harder and harder on me. I've hardly got any sleep and the other day Merle practically carried me out of the hospital. "Please" I beg, my voice cracking as I plop down in the chair next to the hospital bed.
I got all our stuff settled into our new house. I even decorated Peyton's room for her. It had camo all over it. She loves camo, definitely my girl. I got her a new bed and a bunch of new toys. She's gonna love it.
I rub my face with my hands and rub my eyes trying to keep tears from falling out.
"Can I come in" I hear a soft male voice ask.
I turn in my chair and see a young boy around Peyton's age standing by the door. His eyes were red and puffy as if he's been crying. I recognize the kid as Carl, from Peyton's party.
"What are ye' doin' 'ere kid?" I ask turning back to Peyton.
Carl walks in and climbs on the chair on the other side of the bed. "My dad got shot and he's in a coma" he whispers, more tears falling from his eyes.
"Sorry to hear tha'" I mutter and look away from the crying boy.
"My mom told me what happened and I wanted to see Peyton while I was here" he says grabbing her other hand.
I glare at him, I do it to every boy that touches her, he didn't notice but just kept his eyes on her. "I hope she and my dad wakes up soon" he says looking up at me.
I sigh, even though I don't know his dad it's still a hard thing for a kid his age to go through. "Me too bud"
"Did you hear about people eating other people?" He asks, dropping Peyton's had.
I scrunch my eyebrows together. "Probably jus' a hoax kid, news is full of shit"
"No it's in like Antarctica or something" he says confidently.
"Ye' tellin' me the Penguins and polar bears are eatin' each other?" I say trying to hold in a laugh.
"What? No people" he asks confused.
"You probably mean Africa kid" I tell him and he nods.
"Yeah! That place"
"Whatever kid" I mutter.
"They say it's in America too!" He says. Honestly, it's probably just some scam to scare everyone.
"Ok kid, why don't ye' go back to yer dads room" I say getting annoyed. Little kids annoy me easily.
"Peyton's my friend too" he mutters standing up with his arms crossed.
"Get outta 'ere kid" I growl.
"You're mean" he pouts and runs out of the room back to his dad's I guess. I scoff and roll my eyes.
As he leaves Dr. Jenner comes into the room. "So we have a name of the drug that was used"
"Ok" I say standing up next to him.
"It's a very rare drug called Angstinide, it's very deadly. Your daughter got very lucky. It's purpose is to shut down all major organs but in her case it just slowed her brain down." he speaks and all I really hear is that my daughter should be dead right now.
"Oh my god" I whisper to myself.
"There's no telling when she'll wake up. My wife and I have been working on a cure at the CDC" he tells me showing me a paper with a bunch of words and shit that makes no sense to me.
"I just want to know when she will wake up" I growl getting mad that my daughter is still in a coma. That happens a lot. I get mad super easily.
"I dont know, and I won't be able to be your daughters doctor anymore, there's some deadly disease going around turning people into cannibals and I'm needing to stay at the CDC full time" he informs me, nervously looking around the room.
"Wha'?" I ask I'm disbelief. Now this disease thing is starting to freak me out.
"Yeah, people are dying and coming back to life to eat the living" he says and then chuckles. "Sounds like a horror movie"
"Ye' think people dying is funny?" I scoff.
"No, no no that's not what I meant.. I'm sorry.. But I thought you should know" he answers backing away from me.
"Is there any of these 'cannibals' in Georgia?" I ask air quoting cannibals.
"There's been a few cases and the number is rapidly growing.. there has already been emergency broadcasts and the hospital is moving all patients to the Atlanta hospital today and tomorrow." Dr. Jenner says and walks over to Peyton, checking her pulse and other medical stuff.
"She's on the list to be moved today , everyone on this floor is" he informs me and starts unhooking her monitors.
"Wha' are ye' doin'?!" I ask worried.
"Getting her ready to be moved?" He says in a 'duh' tone.
I scoff and roll my eyes, this guy is starting to piss me off.
"I advise you to stay home and lock your doors, well inform you when it's ok to come out" he says and continues unhooking Peyton from machines.
"Fuck tha' I'm staying by my daughters side the whole time" I argue.
"She'll be ok.. seriously Mr. Dixon, you should go home" he orders as more doctors come into the room with a stretcher.
"Tha's bullshit! I'm not goin' anywhere! I ain't leaving my baby girls side fer anythin'!!" I yell getting in Jenners face.
"Fine, but when your daughter dies and turns into one of them.. don't come cryin' to us" he growls in my face and pushes me outta the way.
"She ain't gonna die" I yell and push him back.
"Get the fuck out of our way" he growls, his face turning red. I could tell he was getting aggravated but I could care less.
"Fix my daughter" I yell at him.
"It's not that easy! Don't you know anything?! Oh no, you dont. You're just a dumb trailer trash redneck" he yells back.
My face was surely turnin red and by now the men had wheeled Peyton out of the room. "That little girl deserves better than a shitty father like you" he growls and walks off following them.
"Don' ye' think I know that" I whisper to myself. I know I don't deserve Peyton but I hate hearing it from other people. After all the shit she's been through because of me she deserves much better than me.
I grab my stuff and the bag I brought for Peyton when she wakes up and follow them to the hospital in Atlanta.
A/n: soooo here's the update for getting the goal of comments and votes!!
I'm going to do that for all chapters.
Once I get 15 comments and 10 votes I'll update!
Oh and the ZA is happening a few years early. So Carl is 6.
Here's the questions for the chapter.
1.) what is Daryl gonna do about the zombiessss???
2.) will Peyton wake up in time?
3.) Do you think Carl has a crush on Peyton?
4.) Who thinks Daryl should've Punched Jenner? ((Uh me!!))
5.) now what's gonna happen?!
Sooo this story is about to come to an end but don't worry!! There will be a sequel!!

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
FanfictionThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*