((Questions at end of chapter for faster update))
Daryl's POV
The ride to the hospital is the worse part. Not knowing whether or not my baby girl is ok.
As I'm driving I hear my phone ring. I dig through my pocket until I find it.
I don't even bother looking at the caller. "Hello?" I ask in a rushed voice.
"Hey baby brotha! Ye' movin' into yer new house today right?" A voice I easily recognized as Merle asks.
"I don' know" I mumble.
"Wha'? You said you were?" He asks confused.
"There's been a change of plans" I mutter trying not to get worked up thinking about Peyton.
"Wha' happened?"
"I dont know man, Peyton has a seizure or some shit like tha'" I say, my voice cracks.
"Holy shit, she alrigh'?" He asks concerned. Even though he tries to act tough I know he has a soft spot for Peyton.
"I dont know, they took 'er in a ambulance.. I'm drivin' to the hospital now"
"I'll meet ye' up there" Merle says and hangs up before I have the chance to say anything.
I throw my phone in the passenger seat and continue to drive to the hospital.
After a couple more minutes I finally arrive at the Emergency room area and run in.
I fast walk to the counter. "Is my daughter ok?" I ask worriedly.
"Whose your daughter?" The lady asks searching through her papers.
"Peyton, they jus' brought 'er in.. they said she had a seizure or somethin'" I tell her.
"I'll go check" she says and gets up, walking out of my sight.
I tap my foot nervously and impatiently wait for her to return.
Finally after about 10 long minutes she finally returns. "They admitted her to a room but she's still unconscious."
"Can I see 'er?" I ask
"Yeah, Macy here will show you to her room" she says and points to a black haired lady. She looked to be in her 20's. She was cute. Most nurses are.
I nod and Macy leads me down all these halls and up some stairs. I would easily get lost in here.
She finally stops at a room with the numbers '351' on the door. She pushes the door open for me and gives me a smile before walking off back to the office place I guess.
I sigh and walk into the room, not ready to see my baby girl hooked up to machines or what not.
I walk in further and see Peyton with an IV in her arm and connected to a bunch of heart monitors. I felt like I wanted to die seeing her like that.
I walk over and drag a chair next to the bed and hold her small hand in mine. It wasn't like it usually is, soft and warm. instead it's cold and clammy.
"Baby please wake up" I whisper and kiss her hand. I brush some of her hair out of her face and kiss her cold forehead too.
"Knock knock" I here Merles voice call from the door. I don't even turn around. I know he'll come in.
He sits on the other side of the bed and holds Peyton's other hand. "She's a Dixon baby brotha.. she'll be fine" Merle says while looking at her. I just grunt and pull her hand up to my face, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.
"So wha' happened again?" He asks looking at me.
"Went up to go see if she was done packin' and saw 'er sittin' in the corner starin' at the wall... tried callin' her name but she wouldn' listen.. then next thing I know she passes out on me.. then starts shakin' like crazy" I tell him, recalling the events from this morning.
As Merle was about to reply a doctor in blue scrubs walks in looking at his clip boards.
"Are you her father?" The doctor asks looking at me.
I nod and stand up as he offers his hand to shake. "I'm doctor Jenner, I'm assuming you're Daryl then" he introduces and shakes my hand.
"She gonna be alrigh'?" I ask looking back to my unconscious daughter.
"She's stable right now but we ran some tests" he says looking at his clipboards again.
"And?" Merle asks standing up as well.
Dr. Jenner sighs and scratches his chin. "Well it was defiantly a seizure but we took tests on her brain and it didn't show the normal signs for a seizure. We ran cancer tests and the all came back clean." he says looking both of us in the eye.
"So what are ye' sayin'?" I ask confused.
"I'm saying we think this was a forced seizure and that definitely put her in a coma" he sighs.
"Wha'? Is tha' even possible?" I ask conceded and confused.
"Yes but it's rare"
"Wha' causes it?" I ask.
"Well traumatic events or injections from lethal drugs or substances" he says in a serious tone. "I'm going to ask you one time and one time only if you did this" Dr. Jenner asks setting his clipboard down and standing tall to look intimidating.
"What?!" I ask shocked. "I would never hurt her"
"We can inform the police and let them handle this" he states.
"Look my brotha may be an asshole but he wouldn' ever hurt his little girl" Merle defends beside me.
"You tell the police to find that bastard and bring 'em to me" I mutter in his face. He doesn't say any further words and exits the room.
"Fuck" I mutter and try my best not to punch the wall or anything else.
I look back at Peyton. My heart breaks seeing her like this and I would do anything to trade her places.
"Shit" Merle mutters.
I look over at him and he's looking at the wall but then looks over to me.
"Wha'?" I ask confused.
"Wha' if this was Debra.... or Ashley" he whispers.
I clench my fists so hard my knuckles turn white. "Son of a bitch!" I whisper yell, not wanting to attract attention.
This should definitely be me in the hospital bed instead of her. Debra was my fault, my mistake (besides getting an amazing daughter from it). And Ashley, she was my fault, my mistake. If I would've just ignored her and never called her this wouldn't be happening right now. My daughter wouldn't be in a coma. This is all my fault and when Peyton wakes up I'm gonna make it up to her. That's a promise.
A/n: here's the update like I promised! Thanks for all the commented you guys went above the goal I set and that's so amazing. So im gonna do that again.
When I get 15 comments and 10 votes, I'll update! Whether that be tonight or tomorrow is up to you guys!
Here's the questions :).
1.) who do you think did it? Ashley or Debra? Or someone else.
2.) more hugs for Daryl??((yes please))
3.) do you think Daryl will ever find the right girl? One the won't hurt him or his daughter?
4.) who wants a relationship like Daryl and Peyton's?? ((Definitely me))
5.) comment predictions?? (( tbh I do sometimes use your guys predictions, they're really good))
You guys are amazing!
Lots of loveeee!!!

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
أدب الهواةThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*