Chapter 13

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Daryl's POV

I'm sitting on the couch as Peyton lays across my lap watching cartoons on the tv.

I can't help but stare at the cut across her forehead.. it's not as bad as it was Sunday, but its still there and noticeable four days later.

Merle is super pissed at what happened.. hell I don't blame him, im still pissed too.

"A couple of my friends are comin over later ok?" Merle says from his reclining chair.

"Which friends" I ask cautiously.. Merle didn't really have to best group of people to hang around.

"Just some friends from around town" he answers, taking a sip from his beer.

I look down at the little girl in my lap and back up to him. "She'll be fine.. she'll be asleep by the time they get here" Merle answers the question I was thinking in my head.

I grunt In response and tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "So that's a yes" Merle says laughing and takes another sip of beer.

"Daddy I'm hungry" she whines looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"What do ye' wan' sweetheart.?"

"McDonalds!" she squeals in excitement and rolls my eyes.

"I'm in" Merle says looking over at me.

"I don' get payed until Monday" i sigh and look back down at Peyton who's frowns and sighs.

"Hey... Don' worry bout tha'" Merle says and gets up grabbing his wallet. "Let's go get some food" he adds and Peyton's smile comes back to her face.

I nod a 'thank you' nod to Merle and he nods back and we leave to go to McDonalds.


"Thank you Uncle Merle" Peyton squeals as we get in the truck to go back home.

"No problem princess" Merle replies and turns on the radio.

The song 'My Little Girl' by Tim McGraw comes on. I smile and listen to the lyrics as the remind me of my beautiful daughter who is dancing along in the backseat.

When you were in trouble that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone.
Now look at you, I turn around and you've almost grown.
Sometimes you're asleep and I whisper "I love you" in the moonlight at your door.
As I walk away I hear you say "daddy, love you more"

You're beautiful baby from the outside in,
Chase your dreams and know the road that'll lead you home again.
So go on take on this whole world but toe you know you'll always be
My little girl.

Some day some boy will come and ask me for your hand.
But I won't say yes to him unless I know,
He's the half that makes you whole,
He has a poets soul
And the heart of a mans man.
I know he'll say that he's in love
But between you and me
He won't be good enough!

Beautiful baby from the outside in
Chase your dreams and always know the road that'll leave you home again.
So go on take on this whole world,
but to me you know you'll always be
My little girl.

I look back into the rearview mirror and smile at my little girl as she giggles and laughs at random things.

How can something so small mean everything to me.


Peyton's POV

I'm in the woods alone. Where's daddy? I realize I'm running really fast.... but from what?

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