Peyton's POV
I woke up in pain. My arm hurts and my tummy hurts. I look around hoping to see daddy or Uncle Merle but all I see is grey walls.
Where am I?
"Daddy?" I call out softly, my voice is scratchy and I'm really thirsty and hungry.
"Daddy!" I shout and try to stand up by my leg goes numb and I fall back down causing my arm and tummy to hurt even more! So bad that it makes me start to cry.
I hear footsteps coming towards me and I smile hoping its daddy. The door to the room opens and mommy walks in!
Oh no
How did she get me? I don't want mommy I want daddy!
"You're up" she says and walks next to me.
"I want daddy" i cry and hold my throbbing arm.
She smiles at me and laughs. What's so funny?
"Oh sweetie, daddy isn't here and you won't see him for a very very long time" she says evilly! Like the mean witch from a movie daddy and I watched together.
"Why not?" I ask feeling more tears surface on my face.
"Because I said so!" She yells and grabs my hurt arm causing me to scream in pain.
"Stop it hurts!" I cry trying to pull my arm from her and she only tightens her grip on my arm. "Please!" I beg.
"Don't be a baby! I'm making you strong!" Mommy yells and hits me on the face.
"Daddy where are you?" I cry under my breath. Did daddy leave me? I remember being with daddy and uncle Merle but then I don't remember anything after that.
"I told you you're not gonna see him ever again! You're daddy that you love soooo much left you! He told me to take you, that he didn't want you anymore.... That's what happened to your daddy... he's the bad one not me" mommy says and stands up to leave. Before she leaves and throws a bottle of water at me, hitting me in the head. I cry in pain again and sip the water very fast.
Was that true? Did daddy really leave me? I don't get what I did wrong! I wish I could tell daddy sorry so he wouldn't have given me to mommy. He knew what mommy did to me last time and he still sent me with her! That makes me mad at daddy! But I still love him.
Ashley's POV
It had only been ten minutes since Merle and Daryl drove off and Debra had pulled up in the parking lot of a gas station I was standing by.
"Oh Ash!" She exclaims and gets out of the car, rushing towards me and giving me a bone crushing hug.
It takes every ounce of me not to beat the shit out of her for kidnapping a little girl, but I put on my fake 'boyfriend just broke up with me' face and hug her back.
She pulls away and holds my face in her hands and wipes on of my fake tears. "Oh honey! I could've told you Daryl was a dick.. don't worry I'll make him pay" she says and laughs at the ending.
Oh this bitch.. I hate her.
"I hope so" I sniffle and follow her to the car and get in the passengers side.
It only took about thirty minutes to get to her new house I guess. I remembered everything we passed, ready to text Daryl later.
We get out of the car and she opens the front door for me. "This is Joes house" she informs me and I nod, looking around for any signs of Peyton.
As I look around the house I notice it's unusually clean. Not a single dish or glass in sight. Which is out of character for both Debra and Joe. "Nice place" I mutter quietly, still scanning the house.
"Let me give you a tour" Debra exclaims and leads me into the kitchen/dining room. "This is the kitchen" she says seriously. As if the fridge and oven didn't give that away.
I nod and follow along. She then walks down a long hallway, two door on the left and one on the right. "This is the room you can stay in" she says as she open the first door on the left. It has a queen sized bed with a blue comforter and blue curtains over the large windows.
I nod again and she shows me the room across from the bedroom which happens to be the bathroom. It has a big tub with jets and a glass shower next to it.
After she showed me the bathroom she turned and ushered me to go back towards the living room, away from the third/ last room in the hall. "What's that room?" I ask curiously, trying not to let my suspicion show.
She starts blinking rapidly and rubbing the back of her neck. "Oh it's just a .. Storage room.. yeah there's nothing in there" Debra answers quickly and slightly pushes me towards my room. "It's getting late, you can see Joe tomorrow... night!" She quickly says and shuts my door after I'm in it. I guarantee you that Peyton is in that room.
I get out my phone and scroll through my contacts until I find Daryl's name. I click on the little message icon and type my message.
Me: Hey.. Debra just left saying she was going to bed...I think I know which room Peyton is in.
Daryl: Are you ok? What's the address??
Me: Yes Daryl I'm fine... and ((**inserts cool sounding address**))
Daryl: Ok when do you want us to come?
Me: Wait a couple of hours... probably around 2am?
Daryl: You got it... please be careful.
Me: I will babe.. and next time I see you, you'll have your little girl back and that's a promise :)
Daryl: I hope so.. thanks for doing this for me.
Me: no problem, hey I'm gonna sleep a little, ill text you before I get her
Daryl: K
After Daryl sent 'k' I set the alarm on my phone to 1:45am and placed it under my pillow and slowly fell asleep.
Beep Beep Beep.
I groan and pat the bed in search of my phone. Once I find it im blinded by the light from my phone and turn off the alarm. I set up, determined to get Peyton back.
I text Daryl, letting him know that I'm up.
Operation find Peyton - let's do this!

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
FanfictionThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*