Chapter 7- Ornaments

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Daryl's POV.

* 18 months old *

I sit with Peyton inside on the floor next to the Christmas tree we are putting up.

It's kind of difficult because she likes to throw the ornaments and watch them roll instead of putting them on the tree.

I grab one that had rolled away and put it on the tree while she was distracted by another ornament.

Once I lean back she looks at me then back at the tree and yells.

She stands up and grabs the ornament back off the tree and throws it on the ground and smiles and giggles as it rolls away with the 10 other ornaments.

I sigh and stand up to pick them up and bring them back over by the tree.

"Can we put these on the tree now?" I ask her and try to put one on and of course... she yells at me.

I can't help but laugh.. I mean.. how could you be mad at such a cute little girl.

"Come on.. you have other toys" I say and try putting them on, higher than she can reach this time.

She stands there and stares at it and then looks back to me.

She raises her hand and points to it "ahh" she yells and looks back at it.

I laugh and shake my head. "That's where it goes... here look" i say and grab one of her toys and rolls it around trying to get her attention.

"Ahh!!" She yells louder and looks back at the hanging ornament.

"Sorry" I say and stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"Dada!!" I hear her yell.

I stop in my tracks and turn around.
She runs into the kitchen and i crouch down to her level.

"What did you say?" I whisper more to myself.

I hold my arms out and she stands in between them.

"Dadaaa" she yells and looks back towards the living room.

I smile widely and gently hug her since she's eager to go back by the tree.

"Wha'?" I ask wanting to her her say it one more time.

"Ahhh" she yells and disappears back into the kitchen.

I sigh and look ahead.. close enough.. she still said Dada twice.

I couldn't be more happier right now.. my baby girl said her first word. And it just happened to be Dada..

I was a little worried because I know Merle has been trying to get her say 'uncle Merle' for the past two months.. and the closest he got was "mmmmmm"

I grab a Pepsi from the fridge and head back into the living room where Peyton was standing and staring intently at the Tv which was playing the dumb cartoon with the talking sponge.

I sneak up behind her and quickly scoop her up "what are ye' doin?" I ask as a pick her up.

She yells but laughs when she notices it's me.

I smile and walk over to the tree still holding her.

I hold her next to the ornament I had put up so she can grab it.. I know it's been bugging her.

She smiles once she grabbed it and doesn't even wait till I put her down before she throws it.

'Thank god we have carpet' I think to myself as I put her down.

"I guess we will have a tree without ornaments" I say and roll the ornament back to Peyton, who now picks them up and throws them at me.

She's actually pretty strong for a baby.. she probably gets it from me.

The front door opens and Merle comes in.

Peyton yells and smiles as she runs towards Merle and gives him an ornament.

"Wha' is this?" He asks and crouches down next to her.

She smiles and runs back next to me and hands me the one sitting next to me.

"These go on the tree princess" Merle says as he places the ornament on the tree

"She won't let you do that" I say laughing at Peyton yells at him.

He laughs and walks away leaving me to hear Peyton yell.

She looks at me and points to the tree "dada" she says and I get that smile again.

I hear the fridge door shut and hear Merle almost run into the living room with wide eyes. "Wha' did she just say?!" He asks in shock.

I smile and laugh "dada" I say and flip him off as I grab the ornament from the tree and hand it to Peyton who makes an angry sound and throws it at Merle.

"Hey!" Merle says and puts down his drink.

"Tha's my girl" I say laughing as I watch Merle chase after Peyton who screams as she runs away.

"Ye' can't run from me" Merle says as he scoop Peyton up in his arms and she starts giggling instead.

While he distracts her I quickly put all the ornaments on the tree and sit back down and put her other balls where to ornaments are in hopes she won't notice.

But sure enough, when she finally comes over by me... it's the first thing she notices.

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