Chapter 3 - Meet Uncle Merle

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Daryl's POV

*still at the hospital*

I continue to hold my little girl in my arms.

"Let me have her now" I hear Debra say

I look over at her confused. "Thought ye' didn't want nothin' to do with er'?" I ask still rocking Peyton.

"I changed my mind" she says looking at the little girl in my arms.

"Wha'?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah I'm keeping her.. I decided that I'll move in with my mom and she'll help me take care of here" she says smiling.

"But... Yer mom lives in Florida" I manage to spit out.

"So?" She asks like its no big deal.

"So?... She's my baby too... I've been waiting for 9 months to hold er'! I'm the one who wanted er'! Ye' can't take tha' away from me!!" I say loudly not wanting the wake the beautiful girl in my arms.

"You could see her if you come down there" she says confidently.

I shake my 'no' "Tha's not fair" I croak not wantin to let my girl go.

"Fine.. I'll move to Macy's house and you can see her on the weekends" she says as a nurse walks in.

"Hi daddy... I'm gonna have to take this pretty little girl for a minute" the nurse says as she reaches for Peyton.

I reluctantly hand her over.
"What's her name" the nurse asks.

"Peyton.... Peyton Nichole Dixon" i answer smiling.

"Pretty name... I'll be back in an hour or so and you can have her back" she replies and walks out the door.

I sigh and plop down in the chair.

"I already bought all the stuff for her.. i have everything she needs" I say while my voice cracks.

Debra looks over at me and rolls her eyes.

"Fine, but when I get all the stuff, she's mine" she states.

I stand up and storm out of the room pissed off.. its not fair for her to do this to me.

I walk into the waiting room and see Merle asleep in the one of the chairs.

I shake my head a little and walk over to him and kick his foot.

He jumps up quickly and looks around the room.

"Why didn't ye' tell me ye' were here dumbass" I say and sit next to him.

"I did!" He says pulling out his phone an showing me a text he had sent me.

I pat my pockets and realize I didn't have my phone on me.

"Shit man sorry.. I must've left my phone in the truck" I said standing up.

"I'll be right back" I say and run out to my truck and get some smokes and my phone.

I walk back over to the hospital and stand outside in the heat while I smoke a cigarette.

I check my phone and see that Merle had called me 2 times and texted me 5... I check the rest and notice my boss texted me congrats and I texted him back.

I finished my cigarette and head back inside and sit back down next to Merle again.

"She been born yet?" Merle asks leaning back in the chair.

"Yea" I say but it only comes out barely above a whisper. I smile while I say it.

"So why ain't ye' in there baby brotha?" He asks sitting up straight.

"The nurse took er' she should be back in there now though" I say and stand up, Merle following me.

We walk down the long hallway and into the room.

When we walk in the nurse was just leaving.

Debra was sleeping and Peyton was in a little bucket thing on wheels.. hell i dont know what any of this shit is called.

I smile when I see her move around.

I walk around the bucket thing and gently pick her up.

"Hi baby girl" I say while moving the blanket from her face with my finger.

She makes cute little noises and opens her eyes... they're a beautiful shade of blue... definitely know who she got them eyes from.

I smile down at my daughter and I hear Merle clear his throat from behind me.

I turn around and he looks down at Peyton.

"Can I?" he asks motioning down to the baby in my arms.

I nod slowly "just be gentle" I say slowing handing her over to him.

"I know baby brotha" he says and takes her fully into his arms.

"Hey there princess" he says as she hold his finger... same why she did to me.

I smile at my brother... I would've never thought he react this way to her.

"What's er' name?" Merle asks rocking her.

"Peyton Nichole Dixon" I say for the third time, not getting tired of saying it.. I don't think I ever will either.

"Peyton... I like tha' " Merle says smiling while holding my baby girl.

Maybe.. just maybe my life will be ok now.

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}Where stories live. Discover now