Chapter 5- Daddy's Promise

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Daryl's POV

** 11 months old **

The past 11 months of my life have been the best, great, amazing.... I would even say almost perfect... All thanks to an 11th month old girl named Peyton... and she's my world.

Merle has been amazing with her. He blew my expectations over the roof.

He spends time with her when he gets home from work, and the other day he offered to watch her so that I could go hang out with a couple of friends.

He even buys her clothes and toys.. with his own money... of course all the clothes he buys says something about having the best uncle.

Debra hasn't called or contacted me in any way since we left the hospital. Which I'm absolutely fine with.

Right now I'm sitting on the floor holding Peyton up while she bounces up and down.

She's close to walking, which scares me.

I mean, I don't want her to grow up this fast, and don't even get me started on not wanting her getting hurt.

I slowly take my hands of her sides and she stays standing

Slowly I back away a foot or two and reach my arms out to her.

"Come here Peyton... come to daddy" I whisper as she wobbles to stay up.

I scoot closer to her and grab her tiny little hands so she can balance herself and help her slowly walk over to me.

"That's it" I say as she still holds on to my hands and smiles.

She starts to loose her balance and falls backwards, but I'm able to catch her before she falls.

I pick her up in my arms and stand up.

"Don't worry.. daddy's got you... daddy's always got you no matter what.. I promise" I whisper to my baby girl as she lays her head on my chest.

-----------later that evening ---------

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV while Peyton rolls around in her little toy Walker thing that makes a shit ton of noise... but it makes her laugh and smile like no other and that makes me happy.

I hear the front door open and close and watch as Peyton starts grinning and wheeling towards the door.

"Hey there princess" I hear Merle say as he walks around the corner carrying Peyton who's trying to grab his keys.

I reach for the remote and turn down the TV as Merle sits down in the recliner chair and sets Peyton in his lap.

"Watch this" I say and stand up to grab Peyton from Merle's lap and sit on the floor like I had done earlier.

Merle watches as I help Peyton stand up and scoot away from her.

She watches me and starts to cry because I moved away from her.

"Come here baby girl" I say and hold my arms out to her encouraging her to come to me.

She sniffles a little and takes one step towards me.

I look over at Merle and his eyes are wide and he's smiling.

"That's it.. come here" I say shaking my arms again.

She takes another step and starts smiling.

"Ya .. yer' a natural" I say as she's almost in my arms.

She takes one my step and lands in my arms.

I scoop her up and pull her close to me. "Ye' did it!" I say tickling her side.

Merle stands up and holds his arms out to me and I pass Peyton over to him.

"Yer' gonna have yer' daddy chasin ye' all over the house soon enough aren't ye'?" he says as she smiles and makes a cute little noise.

My little girl is growing up so fast... I feel like it was just yesterday I was brining her home... now she's taking her first steps.

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}Where stories live. Discover now