Peyton's POV
*Sunday Morning*
I woke up the next morning to the smell of smoke. I open my eyes and the room is filled with white smoke and I look over to the corner of the room and see mommy putting her homemade cigarette to her mouth and blowing out smoke.
I know it's homemade because I woke up last night and saw mommy putting the grass looking stuff in some paper and smoking it. She didn't see me because I was sneaky about it.
I sit up while yawning and stretching. Mommy looks over at me and then back to her cigarettes.
"When am I going home?" I ask eagerly... I miss my daddy.
"Soon brat" mommy spits meanly and looks at me with her red monster like eyes.
I itch my head and accidentally scratch my scab off causing my forehead to bleed again.
Mommy walks over to me and grabs my wrist hard causing me to yelp.
"If daddy asks you what happened.. you tell him you fell you hear me?!" She yells blowing smoke and her stinky breath in my face.
She holds on to my wrist tightly as I squirm to escape. "Daddy told me not to lie"
She tightens her grip even tighter to where tears start to form in my eyes. "If you tell daddy, it's going to be a lot worse" mommy says and let's go of my arm and walks to her room.
"Get you're shit ready" mommy yells from her room.
I quickly pack all my clothes and throw them into my backpack. I reach for my teddy but remember that mommy threw it in the fire... just thinking of it makes me start to cry... Daddy isn't going to be happy.
"Let's go" mommy says and grabs my arm tightly again and drags me to the car.
"Yer hurting me!" I yell and pull my arm from her.
She growls and grabs my arms again and pulls me harder to the car. We finally reach the car and I get in the backseat and buckle up as mommy gets in the driver seat.
After a long time in the car I finally see the familiar house and I start to get happy.
Once mommy stops I practically jump out of the car and run towards daddy who was just coming out the front door.
"Daddy!!" I yell as he crouched down to my level and I crash into him.
He hugs me tightly and picks me up while playing with my hair.
I look back at mommy but she wasn't there, she had already left.
I place my head in daddy's neck and hug him tightly. "I missed you daddy!" I say as I feel something wet on my shoulders. I look up at daddy and see he's crying.
"What's wrong daddy" I ask and wipe his tears for him.
"Nothin' baby girl.. nothin'" he whispers and faintly smiles and hugs me again.
"I don't like it at mommy's.. please don't make me go again" I tell daddy and feel myself start to cry.
"I'm sorry baby girl... I promise I'll try to do everythin' I can" he says still hugging me and rubbing my hair.
Daddy sets me down and gets on his knees so he's my height. He grabs my shoulders lightly and looks me in the eyes.
His eyes look all over me and land on my forehead and back to my eyes. "Baby girl what happened?!" He asks concerned and looks back at my forehead.
I feel my heart race and start feeling sweaty.. what if he knowing I'm lying.. what if he finds out and mommy hurts me more because she thinks I told him.

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
FanfictionThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*