Unknown POV
"So are you gonna get her?" The ugly red head bitch asks me.
"Never" I mutter, pain coursing through my body as she has her little bitch punch me across the face again.
"I don't think you have a choice" she says and slaps me across the face, her long fake nails digging into my skin.
I pull at the handcuffs that are holding my hands behind me. My wrists are sore and bloody from trying to pry them off. "Sooner or later.. someone's gonna look for me.. and it'll be bye bye for you stupid bitch" I growl at her though my gritted teeth.
I'm pretty sure the guy punching me has cracked a few ribs, breathing hurts let alone talking.
"Nothing is going to happen to me until I get what I want! And I always get what I want!" She yells and lights up a joint and blows the smoke in my face.
"We would all die before you get her" i say, turning my head away from the smoke.
"Joe, hit him again" she says as she drags a chair in front of me and sits in it backwards.
Joe grins evilly before strutting over to me and punching me square in the face.
I grunt in pain and spit out the blood that had filled in my mouth.
He hits me three more times in the face before kicking my in my ribs, causing me to be on the verge of passing out from the horrid pain.
"Now, you are gonna go home, get the girl, and bring her back to me or you and all your friends and family will pay.. and also if you do.. I'll give you $1,000 and 3 1/2 lbs of weed" she offers and looks to Joe who shows me some type of scissors that look scary as fuck.
"And if you don't agree right now, Joe here will start killing you, slowly and painfully" she adds as Joe squats in front of me and starts grabbing my left nipple with the scissors and twisting.
I try to succumb the pain but I can't. "Ok! Ok ok ok stop I'll do it! I'll do it!" I yell in pain.
Joe stops and the stupid red head bitch smiles. "Good.. you have 1 week" she in forms me and Joe unlocks my handcuffs.
I bring my wrists in front of me and rub them.
I give them both dirty looks before they throw me out and im on the street.
I dont know if I can go trough with this. I mean, I'm a bad person but.. I'm not this bad of a person am I? If I don't im putting everyone I love in danger. I have to.. but i dont know if I can.
Daryl's POV
"Daddy look" Peyton says from across the table.
I look up at her and she lifts a piece of paper up. On the paper there is 5 stick figures all holding hands in front of a house. Above them is a heart.
"Wha's tha'?" I ask as she smiles at her drawing.
"That's Uncle Merle, then there's you an Ashley .. and then me and luke" she says sweetly.
"Who's luke?" I ask curiously. The drawing of luke is her size and is holding her hand.
"He's my boyfriend" she says as she starts drawing a sun on her drawing.
Boyfriend?! Ain't she too young for that. "Boyfriend?" I ask.
"Yep.. we swing and eat animal crackers together at daycare"
"Mm" I grunt not really liking the idea of her and boys.
"Ye' know... boys have cooties" I say.
"No don't be silly daddy! I asked Ashley that and she said no" she tells me and moves over so she's sitting next to me.
"Do you love Ashley?" Peyton whispers as if anyone was gonna hear us.
I freeze, not sure how to answer.. I mean do I love her? I dont know what love feels like and I know I've never felt this before.
"I dont know" I answer truthfully.
"Do you love me?" She asks innocently.
"Yes of course baby... more than the moon and stars remember" I tell her as I pull her onto my lap.
She giggle and leans her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss the top of her head.
"So why isn't Uncle Merle holding anyone's hand?" I ask.
"Because he's lonely.. when he gets a girlfriend I will draw her there" she tells me.
"Let me see this" I tell her and grab the crayon she was drawing with.
I take it and draw horns on top of Merles head.
Peyton gasps once she noticed what o was doing and slapped my hands away. "Daddy that's mean!" She yells and tries to mark the horns out.
I laugh and hug her while she makes the horns into a hat.
"Daddy I had a different bad dream last night" she sighs and leans all the way back into me.
"Again?" I sigh and soothe her hair.
"No it wasn't the monster dream.. someone took me to mommy" she says and starts slightly shaking.
"Tha' ain't gonna happen" I tell her and hug her tightly.
She starts lightly crying and I stand up holding her and gently rock her around.
She wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face into my neck. "It scares me" she whimpers.
"I know but as long as I'm here nobody is gonna hurt ye'" i promise her and hold her close to me.
I feel bad that she has all these horrible nightmares. She's only 5.. it's not fair to her.
She's not even in kindergarten, which In fact I decided to wait until next year to enroll her. It not because she's not mature enough, I just don't want to let her go yet. She's still my baby girl.
"I promise" I whisper into her hair and kiss her hear a couple times.
After awhile of crying, she falls asleep in my arms. I noticed that when she sleeps in my arms or with me she doesn't have the nightmares so I decide to just hold her while she sleeps.
My beautiful little girl.
Soooo dedication for this chapter areeee..
Thanks for the comments!!!Ok so a lot of stuff going on in this chapter!!
Here's the questions!! ((Remember they better/ more detailed you answer, the better shot you get.. oh and If you've already got one you can still get another!!))
1.) who do you think the "unknown POV" is?!?!
2.) aww Peyton has a little boyfriend... Leyton... Puke!? ((lol that ship name tho))
3.) Who's the "red head bitch"??
4.) is the "unknown" person gonna get the "girl"??
5.) Predictions?

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
FanfictionThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*