Daryl's POV
All I can feel is the horrid throbbing pain in my head. I can't see anything and when I try to open my eyes I fail. Total darkness. I can hear the beeping of some kind of machine next to my ear. I can also hear a door opening and closing and the shuffling of feet.
Soon I hear someone sit down in the chair next to me. "Come on baby brotha ye' gotta wake up.. like now!" I hear the familiar voice of my brother tell me.
I try hard to open my eyes but I fail, miserably.
"Daryl it's important that you wake up!" I hear another familiar feminine voice ask. Ashley.
'Um I'm trying'! I say to myself.
I hear Merle groan in annoyance before I feel aggressive shaking on my shoulders which causes my head to throb more. I try to yell at him or push him off but dammit nothing's working.
"Daryl we gotta find Peyton! Wake yer' ugly ass up!" Merle yells, loudly this time. I faintly hear Ashley scowl at him but I don't pay any attention to it.
Peyton. My little girl. She gone. Those bastards took her! My sweet little baby girl.
That's all it took. My eyes shoot open and I sit straight up in the hospital bed gasping for air. I instantly start coughing and try to catch my breath. "Peyton" I mutter as I'm still coughing.
"Yeah, no tellin' wha' happen' to 'er while ye' was layin' here takin' a nap!" Merle yells at me causing my anger to flare more.
"Shut the fuck up! If I coulda woken up earlier I woulda!" I yell back and cough more, my voice being hoarse from not talking.
"Well let's go! Get outta yer' little dress so we can find 'er" He grunts and pulls the hospital sheet off my legs.
"Why are ye' here?" I ask Ashley who was just sitting there watching my brother and I fight.
"Because I want to help you find your little girl... I care about her too" she answers and stands up, grabbing something behind her and placing it on my lap. I then realize it's my clothes. She must've been back to my house because they were clean.
I stand up and go to the bathroom and change out of this ugly hospital gown. Ashely picked out a sleeveless brown plaid flannel and my dark brown baggy jeans... she knows me too well.
I brush my teeth quickly and go back into the room and through my shoes on.
Merle and Ashley were already waiting on me.
"Let's go" i grunt, not in a good mood obviously.
They nod their heads and we all walk to a black wrangler jeep. I raise my eyebrows at Merle in confusion.
He chuckles and pats my shoulder. "It's just until ye' get yer truck back" he tells me and I nod, getting into the passengers seat.
Merle drives and Ashley sits in the back.
"Wha's the plan?" I ask while tapping my hands on my knees. I was super anxious. I just wanted to get my little girl back as quickly as possible.
"Well, I know where Debra lives.. we could try there?" Ashley suggests
Merle grunts and shakes his head. "They know that I know where she lives"
"They?" I question.
"Ya her and her brother... Joe I think his name is" merle answers as his drive furiously fast down the road.
"Fuck" I mutter while trying to think of a plan.
"What if I call her, tell her that you dumped me somewhere, she picks me up and let's me stay the night with her. I find Peyton, text you the address and you park a couple houses down. Then when they're asleep I sneak out with Peyton and we drive far away from here" Ashely suggests, her voice a tad bit shaky as if she's not sure how well her plan will work.
"What if ye' get caught... Tha's two of my girls I'm loosin'" I say, muttering the last part hoping no one really heard me.
"Darlina has a girl?" Merle jokes and looks back at Ashley. I grunt and tell him to shut up before thinking about the plan Ashley had came up with.
"It's the only option" Merle says beside me.
I sigh and nod unwillingly. I know it's the only option but I hate that Ashley is risking her safety. It's bad enough Peyton's missing and in danger.. I don't want her there too.
"Whatever" I mutter.
"I'll call her now" Ashley says and grabs her phone.
She put it on speaker and we all silence and listen closely.
"Ashley! It's good to hear from you! How've you been?!" Debra asks cheerfully, as if she hasn't just kidnapped my 5 year old daughter.
"Not good.. Daryl just d-dumped me and I-I don't know where I am and I don't have a place to stay.. c-can you come p-pick me up?" Ashley fake cries, and to be honest, she's a hella good actor. If I didn't know the plan I would've totally believed her.
"Oh my god.. what an asshole! Well tell me the street you're on and I'll come pick you up! You can stay with me for a little while" Debra responds.
Ashley tells her the street name and they hang up.
"Be careful" I tell her and get out of the truck to give her a hug.
She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist and pull her close to me. I burry my head into her neck before whispering "bring my little girl and yerself back to me withou' getting hurt please"
She tightens her grip on my and nods. "I promise" she tells me and I lift my head from her neck and kiss her soft lips.
"I'll text you later" she tells me and unwraps herself from me.
"Be safe girlie!" Merle yells at Ashley from inside the truck.
She laughs and promise she will and gives me another quick peck on the lips.
"Better go before the whole plan is ruined" she tells me and I nod.
I get in the truck and sigh as Merle drives away. I can't help but watch the truck get further and further away from Ashley. Her beautiful figure getting smaller and smaller before finally disappearing.
This is gonna work. It has to. I just need my girls in my arms so I can protect them forever.
My girls.

My Little Girl {Daryl Dixon Story}
FanfictionThis is the life story of the one and only Daryl Dixon's daughter. From the struggle of getting custody for her... To the struggle of keeping her alive *pre-apocalyptic through more than half of the story*